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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. 200m? That's very much danger close! Can't remember the exact RL numbers from when this last got discussed but basically, if you are calling down fire on a medium sized map, then no matter where you and the enemy are located, it is to be considered danger close. Having said that, I'm not seeing the wholesale slaughter of troops by blue on blue. It happens to my troops only very rarely.
  2. Well, arguing with him using facts would certainly do no good, if that is truly his view on what led to the hostilities between Poland and Germany. I too thought he was being sarcastic, and still cling to hope that it doesn't reflect his actually held views.
  3. That's odd, because when I am using direct fire trees get blown away like one supposes they should.
  4. Hey now, in my defence, it was only mentioned that some guy (no name!) wrote an e-mail. Kinda hard to google of that even if I had know it was an email that was publicly circulated.
  5. But... but... why don't you do this for us? http://raincoaster.com/2006/09/23/major-james-lodens-emails-the-raf-have-been-utterly-utterly-useless/
  6. I'd like to hear more detail too. But it's known that the RAF had a poor rate in even completing strike missions in the Balkan conflicts so I'm wholly unsurprised that they still have difficulty with CAS.
  7. Not a very good system IMHO. If I want to move a stretch in Hunt and then want to move onward in another movement mode then this system would interfere with that. If I want to Hunt to loc A and then Loc B, the game would think I'd want to proceed in Ye Olde Hunt, whereas really I wanted Hunt. Though as always I would very much want to see a return of the old Hunt and Move to Contact.
  8. I agree that the LOS across several floors is at times a bit generous.
  9. Ironically, BFC pretty much never delete any post (on purpose) precisely because they want to be seen as transparent.
  10. Ye Olde crash after Night Stalkers? It's been spotted repeatedly and reportedly fixed. How it manages to still exist is puzzling.
  11. This forum has a long history of asking for this, that or the other to be weathered or whitewashed. 19SHARK90 asked politely and with a please and thank you, so I see no reason why he shouldn't be free to do so. Chainsaw, The most cursory glance should tell someone with your English proficiency that either Google Translate/Babelfish is working in typos in to the text or the guy is doing the best he can. Commenting on it is, IMHO, just bad form. Unless it's a Yank, whose insistence on spelling armour as armor must be exposed for the wrong headed notion it is.
  12. Give the guy a break. So his English isn't that great, he still gets his point across. Would someone please make him a muddy Stryker.
  13. How sure are you of that? Tried a couple of three letter searches and only get: Either we never discussed SAW, LMG, LSW and T34 or it isn't working quite right.
  14. Day one of the forum, post #6 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82534 And edit was used for various reasons, such as to update tourney threads and various threads like Winecapes informative gathering of snippets and when links went bad. Not a whole lot, but it certainly seems it got used much more then abused. Unlimited editing was used for years and no-one got killed. And once again, the historical record can be preserved now anyway, by clicking on the link of the edit, if you change the forum settings to allow that. And then there is the Peng thread. With unlimited edit once again enabled a participant of that most regrettable series of threads could repent and delete all his Peng contributions. How can you possibly say "No!" to a potential reduction of Penginess? Strike a blow against the Peng thread, enable unlimited edit! :D PS Yeah, the search feature can be pain, if looking for such things known by it's acronym or numbering. Which in the world of military hardware is everything. PPS Where are the old emoticons! Ye olde "angry" and "roll eyes" were so much more expressive.
  15. I frequently edit. Even now, most of my posts have an edit notification. Nothing nefarious, merely typo harvesting. And being a non native English speaker I frequently re-read a post and feeling it needs further work after all. Mostly minutes after posting but sometimes I only detect embarrasing linguistics hours later. I think the advantages of being allowed to edit outweigh the negative. There was no rampant malicious editing going on. And the current board software supports the linking to the original text underneath through the edit notification. IMHO the current measures are an overreaction to a largely imaginary "threat".
  16. Not quite sure why the edit limit was imposed in the first place. Don't think there was abuse of it.
  17. Sadly, BFC don't think there is a lot of mileage in enhancing the campaign in significant ways. They may change a thing here or there but a big effort is at this time not being considered.
  18. The mind boggles. You are upset and asking for a refund because you got a jewel case, not a DVD case? That's not normal. Also, a thread being closed is not an invitation to continue it in a new one. Wasn't Moon specifically warning not to do this? I'm getting the impression you are spoiling for a fight. That's not one you are going to win. I need no Tarot cards to read the omens: Trouble ahead.
  19. Cambronne, in all your post the Axis are the actors and the Brits hapless victims. Do you have even the faintest idea how strained the Germans would be to put up a fig leaf of naval and aerial protection? They'd have to protect both their flanks with naval forces. This would stretch the Kriegsmarine rather thinly. A Kriegsmarine that, I remind you once again, could probably be overpowered by the Channel Flotillas alone. In the event of the Italians participating (never happen, it's a straight goodbye to their African adventures) they'd still be at a massive disadvantage. The strain on the Lufwaffe would be even greater. Duties for their invasion day: Provide aircover over the fleet and beaches, aircover over the Kriegsmarine, suppression of defenders and coastal airfields and finally also bombing raids on British naval forces. Compare that to the duties for the RAF: Aircover for whatever fleet(s) they send out, provided they even do so during the day. And mass bombing raids on whatever target Bomber Command picks and escorts for that, again only if they decide to strike during the day. And the Brits can pick and choose where to strike whereas the Germans are obliged to cover all the bases. You keep mentioning various sinkings but fail to register some vital differences. No aircover for the vessels, no nearby port to run to for shelter and AA ammo. And in both cases they were attacked by some of the best anti shipping strike forces of the war. Again, don't let perceived German überness get in the way of acknowledging that the Luftwaffe wasn't that great at it, as witnessed by their dismal showing attacking freighters and DDs in British coastal waters. And all the aforementioned unfavourable conditions for the Germans apply to the daytime. At night, the Brits would be complete masters of the channel. The RN would be more challenged by sinking a sack of puppies. Is it impossible that the Germans could've pulled it off? No. But near enough to impossible as not to matter.
  20. 17 pounder. You can tell by the gunshield and frankly, the vehicle towing it is quite the clue. Heavy gun tractor tends to mean heavy gun.
  21. What, your entire education system slipped, fell in and drowned? For a measure of the Luftwaffe's überness versus shipping, look no further then the opening moves of the BoB. A dismal failure against lightly protected and slow coastal steamers.
  22. Still a very curious weapons system. For hedgehog ASW attacks they seem to be rather few tubes and very large projectiles. By the look of it there's a fair bit of a rocket behind it. Why on earth would you need all that much push? If using the guided version OTOH, it seems too much tubes. They must either expect a lot of submarines or a very poor performance of their weapons. It's just such a prominent space to give to what seems a marginal weapon.
  23. Firstly, why would the Germans attack by day? They weren't aware the Brits were reading their mail and chances are good they would have attempted surprise by night. Daylight only operations would leave very little daylight to land troops before the invasion fleet would have to make for safety. Remember, most of the large vessels would've had to come from beyond the Frisian Isles in the first place. Secondly, Bismarck and Tirpitz? You are showing a fundamental lack of knowledge of the situation. At the time, the Kriegsmarine was down to a handful of crappy light cruisers and destroyers. No heavy cruisers, no battleships. The channel flotillas alone would be sufficient to cripple any comers. Thirdly, you give too much credit to the Luftwaffe. If they are dealing with the home fleet, who'd be supporting the troops landing? and you underestimate the British fleet. Though severly mauled at Crete, this was mostly resulting from lack of aircover, limited AA ammo and no nearby ports to run to. In a Seelöwe scenario, the RN would come out with vastly more powerful fleets and not disadvantaged. The Luftwaffe would find it very much tougher. And even if they sank a generous 50% of the Home Fleet on the 1st day, what would you think the rest would do? Go home and cry? Not a chance! Even a so very much battered home Fleet would find it as easy to drown the invaders then a sack full of puppies. And what do you think Bomber Command would be doing all this time? A stationary invasion fleet right on their doorstep, they wouldn't believe their luck.
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