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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Better give us more screenshots, just to be on the safe side. It's probably nothing, just the screenshot, not the model. Are you trying to get me killed?! PRI Afghanistan Pimp My Ride edition.
  2. Not a big East Front guy, but surely direct fire heavy(ish) artillery wasn't as common as to be a 'must have'?
  3. Will the YPR have appliqué armour? And how will it co-exist in CMSF with the CV9035, given that the latter hasn't even seen service in Afghanistan yet? Not CV90s all over the place just because they are sexier, I hope? The A1 designation is to my knowledge not used much, as it tells you nothing about the vehicle except it got (marginally) upgraded. A1 could be any kind of flavour of YPR. In this case it'd be a PRI or a PRCO-B. Will the YPR model receive further attention? The access hole in the front armour bulge is missing, as are the smoke launchers. Something else is bugging me too, though I can't quite put my finger on it. The whole looks slightly odd. Hard to tell from one poorly lit screenshot but is it not a little high on it's tracks? Anyway, glad it made it in.
  4. Elmar Bijlsma

    Great news!

    Oh, nice "get" indeed. Was wondering where this one went.
  5. I wholly agree. MG bursts are all so textbook. If there is one thing a soldier likes it's a long burst of automatic fire. I think vehicle MG bursts have been bumped a little ove time but infantry MG bursts are still pretty wimpy.
  6. You could split a squad manually and grab the gear.
  7. I didn't think it was all that terrible. After a while though, it did get on my nerve a little so I recently modded it to the Generation Kill radio traffic. Much less hyper, I like it.
  8. Disagree. In a conventional war an attack helicopter is supposed to use stealth and it's stand off capability to stay out of trouble. Not speed. Only reason helicopters move like they do in Iraq and Afghanistan is that they fear the golden BB and RPGs. In a MANPADS environment speed won't save a helicopter. Being behind trees/hills/buildings on the nominally friendly side of a frontline will.
  9. I know just what you mean. Try AKD's soundmod. It has several version of the same sound so you can tailor make it to your expectations, just drop the files in the Z one by one manually if you like it. For the SA-80 family of weapons you'll need to rename one of the included soundfiles to "gun 5 modern", I found using an alternate M16 sound included with AKD's mod quite satisfactory, YMMV. PS If the music in the menu and loading screen gets on your tits then try (parts of) the Generation Kill mod. Makes the loading a whole lot easier on the ears.
  10. Nope. You would just give us another manipulated version of the same screenshot, wouldn't you? As observed earlier, that simply doesn't count. According to the laws and customs of da Interweb, until Kwazydog provides a screenshot of the aforementioned Jagdpanzer IV we must doubt his story. We can thus assume the lads at GS are really mere loveable scamps unjustly maligned.
  11. That's weird. Sorry to once again be on the cheerleading squad but I almost always get good results from them. Yup, they are pretty keen to destroy empty vehicles, but I think that's fair enough. Deprived of the chance to bag a vehicle they are very effective against any target. Even infantry in buildings aren't safe. The only thing I wouldn't mind seeing changed is that they should stay on the attack instead of intermittent attacks. The whole point of attack helicopers is their ability to hug a ridgeline a few miles away raining death.
  12. Another video site at GeenStijl.nl and I googled around with the info gleaned there and that particular story is uniformly repeated. Ofcourse, it's not a kepi but a beret, that's my bad. And guy=officer, reportedly.
  13. Mirage F1. Look at the tail. Harrier has those at a downward angle. The story behind is that it's a bet between the pilot and a guy from the FFL in regards to if the kepi would stay on. I guess Chad is a really, really boring place. Not sure weither to compliment the pilots skill and precision or the FFL's balls.
  14. This was exactly what those with "complaints" were satirizing.
  15. I seem to recall a discussion here reaching the conclusion that the Russian designs were very much focused on keeping the nasty out, but that very little provision was made for when something nasty got past the armour. Such as ammunition storage in the crew compartment, unlike western tanks who like to separate the ammo from the crew to varying degrees..
  16. Perhaps I reacted a little stronger then I should have, but you really did come across as an annoying 5 year old. You basically throwing around accusations of secrecy because they haven't told you everything little detail about a product that has only just been announced. is just laughably over the top at this stage. If you have questions then ask them. Politely.
  17. Hehe, Migo. You beat my edit by a minute. Great minds, eh? Please allow me to be a sore loser. Your link directs to page six, which due to forum settings might not be the same for everyone. Page six for me starts with post #201 and ends with #240. So let's call it a draw.
  18. Yup, BFC have in the past said that East Front is planned. *edit* I decided to overcome my laziness and look up the info. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1096433&highlight=east+front#post1096433
  19. Stuff certainly cooks off in my game. I understand it depends on what they are carrying. A vehicle with little to no ammo is going to see less cooking off then some vehicle loaded to the brim with ammo. In those tests, are those re-deaded vehicles set alight in the editor? That might not actually work. btw I think the nerf applied mainly to burning vehicles continually having massive explosions. There were occasions that it really got out of hand.
  20. I have come to believe this whole LOS tool issue is some wargamer fetish, harking back to ye olde piece of string. They must have it, weither it's actually all that useful or not. What's wrong with the Eyeball MkI in the very rare case the vehicle hasn't got a targeting line? As if going hulldown with a weaponless vehicle is at all important!
  21. Go on, make a case for Hubert owing you a god damn thing.
  22. Unbalanced forces are especially typical of smaller battle sizes. Try a larger size and chances are better for a good forces mix.
  23. The original Normandy release will, unsurprisingly, cover Normandy. As modules are completed the sum total for the Normandy title should bring us all the way to September/Arnhem. But not to the Ardennes, IIRC that was planned to be a separate title which deals with the late war battles along with Huertgen, Reichswald, Op Plunder etc.
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