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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Ah, just checked, every Nobel prize is given in Stockholm, except the Peace Prize which is indeed Copenhagen. That rules out Swedo-Finnish plotting, then. Stupid Danes. *grumble*
  2. Yup, surprised me too. Especially surprising to me in a week Jon Stewart had a good line on him. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-october-6-2009/the-gay-after-tomorrow about 2:40 in. "It's f-ing chow time brother!" But Stockholm probably had to give him something in exchange for being shot down at Helsinki in regards to the Olympics. Or sumfink.
  3. Yup. Would definitely be nice. The problem was that each surrendering soldier would have to become its own unit when it thows it's hands up and decides to leave his buddies. Personally, I think it's worth it anyway. Perhaps they should only exist for 5 minutes as a unit and then disappear. Or disappear after a unit of the captor processes that POW in a buddy aid-like style. Then at least I had a few minutes of joy seeing dudes throw their hands up without them becoming a drag long term as the game progresses. At the moment the visual reward for soldiers giving up the fight is too small.
  4. One more module for CMSF, including German, Dutch and Canadian forces, due out late this year. After that it's back to WW2 for a full standalone game, US in Normandy to begin with. ETA early 2010.
  5. Well, it's a very surprising stance. Since I'm never been near any of the MRAPs I'll bow to your wisdom. But it's very unexpected. And this is a view you hold for all models? More spectacular Youtube videos. What else did you think you were fighting for?!
  6. And then you hit a mine, and your chances of getting cancer are spoiled forever. To me the vehicle is better then it's usage.
  7. I think it's the difference between looking for bodies and finding bodies. On the day itself US troops had bigger fish to fry and they left a day or two later, didn't they? So most likely any Taliban found dead inside the perimeter would get counted, but the Taliban splattered across the countryside 100m away may not have been high on their list of priorities.
  8. Tricky, though googling the filename that's causing trouble can be educational. But as a rule, consider the source. Despite all the scare stories, stuff from a reputable source isn't even remotely likely to be infected. Antivir has been reported as being triggered by this before, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  9. Uhm, aren't they the armoured replacement for trucks? If they aren't the greatest combat vehicles, it's because they are not combat vehicles.
  10. Define MRAP. I was under the impression that MRAPs come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Surely they can't all be bad?
  11. Actually getting serious for a moment, what is up with 3D TV? I take those that don't want to sit around with daft 3D glasses on can still have old fashioned 2D, right? Being blind in one eye, 3D has very little to offer me.
  12. I shudder at the thought of having troops in an APC in any situation that would allow them to fire at the enemy through rifle ports. Not against this being implemented but I don't think I could be persuaded to ever use it. I wouldn't get a loaded APC that close to the action!
  13. I must complain in the strongest possible terms about this thread. I came here looking for a MG on balcony bug, when it's quite clear that this is a MG not on the balcony bug. For shame, sir, for shame!
  14. Are you sure? Night Stalkers is the mission where you advance over fairly flat terrain towards a village on a hill, at night. That part should work. It's after completing that mission that this particular CTD strikes.
  15. China lacks a nuclear deterrent?! They have 200 odd nukes! No country on earth is willing to take those nukes on the chin in a scrap. Having thousands of the things is just showing off. Look at how everyone is bending over backwards to please North Korea, and we aren't sure if they have their nukes available as a usable weapon!
  16. Depends on the terrain, and the amount of ANA troops. ANA troops are poorly trained and have ditto motivation. Expect VERY little fight out of them. If the terrain allowed the Taliban to get close to you then air support is of limited use while the typically poor marksmanship of the Taliban starts getting less relevant. 3-1 odds are never a good sign in any case. *edit* Linky: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/03/world/asia/03battle.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp Ah! I think I saw a docu on that one. (Youtube, I think) Very difficult terrain, poor local knowledge, plain bad luck and the fortified position wasn't all that fantastic either. I wouldn't say incompetence, certainly not of the troops there. You can't blame troops for not maintaining the untenable. You can't win every battle.
  17. There is no way to make the savegame made after completing Night Stalkers work. What people are referring to in regards to ceasefiring (or surrendering) is that you do so while that mission is still in progress. If you have no savegame made during the Night Stalkers mission you are pretty much stuffed. Any word on this one BFC?
  18. That happened a few times, no doubt. But I was wise to that after a few words. But even typing "no" and then "not" it wouldn't count the latter.
  19. Punching holes in clouds? What poor MG gunnery were you used to?! Long bursts have their uses even for a high morale, high discipline unit. It's a way to assert dominance. I sense a belief that bullets should kill. And that's great in theory, but convincing someone that they should stop shooting and be somewhere else comes a very close second and is a lot easier to achieve.
  20. My latest information shows that 44 PAINF were issued with four CV90 on January 4th 2009, the first CV90s to be isued for training purposes. So yeah, I kinda expect the YPR to be the star of the 2008 Syria show. But I'm biased, I admit.
  21. Why would you think we might not get German infantry? :confused:
  22. 44, but it didn't count as correct some words I typed that later turned out to be on the list anyway. I highly doubt it was caused by typos, given that most were 3-5 letter words. Score should be roughly 70 if compensated for this.
  23. Unless I'm mistaken the CV90 has a driver, gunner, commander and eight passengers. The YPR has driver, gunner, commander and seven passengers. However, the YPR commander dismounts but I think the CV9035NL commander is a cpl that stays in. So that should work out nicely. I asked in the hope that the YPR gets featured in enough scenarios to do it justice, it being the mainstay of the PAINF.
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