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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I oppose them. Just because I can. And CMN has been announced to just miss the holiday period and is set for very early 2010. However, we've seen so little of it, and Steve recently gave indications that what seems to me like essential things are yet to be coded (designed even!) that I'm sceptical we'll be seeing it any earlier then spring. Then again, the Brain In A Jar is pretty awesome and might well surprise me.
  2. I'm pretty confused about the vehicle ammo too. A TOW armed HMMWV do not access their crew carried TOWs when the ones their vehicle carried are fired. But I'm pretty sure I saw a British vehicle dip in to it's acquirable 7.62 ammo supply. It'd probably be better if the TOWs start in the acquirable ammo supply if they can be made to behave in the same way as the Brit MG ammo. Currently it's 5 TOW for the vehicle, 3 for the crew and 0 acquirable. If all 8 were acquirable, that would keep the options open.
  3. If you are hotly engaged you can also choose to split a squad and send one part back for ammo. Once that section got all it can carry and is moved back to the parent unit, it will rejoin it's squad and share out the ammo. Also handy if you've got a large squad but the ammo you want is in a small vehicle.
  4. Looks like someone found the Dutch MinDef website, which has oodles of nice pictures. Here: http://www.defensie.nl/actueel/foto/missies/afghanistan Well worth a visit. Foot patrol Bushmaster, not quite an all terrain vehicle. Doubt we'll see this one in CMSF though. AH-64D but note the absence of the rotor mouted radome. Though removed from US AH-64Ds in the COIN role, the Dutch version doesn't mount one at all thus it is not considered a Longbow Apache.
  5. That, and it being a nifty way to get around the puritanical FCC. Some situations go begging for some swearing, and this was an intelligent way to go about it.
  6. To hold it to any kind of standard of science is missing the point of the show. Firefly is, in my view, unmatched in the realm of entertainment. Science doesn't even enter the equation. It's not Mythbusters! The only real quibble I have with the show is that while the whole Frontier theme is fine by me, at times the show goes too far out of the way for it, and it jars. But there is so much quality writing in regards to characterization and dialogue it is marvellous even if the plot is typically a bit so-so. I especially liked the use of Chinese, clever and effective. Gautrek, did you see the series? I reckon it would be more enjoyable then just the film, as it's the series that teaches us to care for the crew of Serenity. It really is a must see show.
  7. I was thinking they looked clean too, but not in a dust kind of way. The Teutons seem to have less crap hanging off them, and what they do have seems stowed away much neater.
  8. It's not the German army unless it's working on Lebensraum?
  9. The CV9035NL should be able to fire everything the 35mm Oerlikon (as on the Gepard/PRTL) could fire. So HEI and FAPDS and whatever else may be cluttering the ammo depot, but also the newer airburst types. I wouldn't expect to get any 50mm equipped CV90s though. That's been pretty much shelved for now.
  10. That was the old forum. I miss the old forum. Better search function and better emoticons. *sniff*
  11. What refusal is that? T-90 and BMP-3 were terrific additions giving the Syrians a big boost in combat power. I'm hard pressed to think what they could have gotten that would've boosted Red combat power more. *edit* Slug88 beat me to it. That'll teach me to open up wiki in another tab whilst still typing a reply.
  12. It's an aircraft with 157.000kg takeoff weight, and clearly this one is pretty close to that. If it's not got enough lift, then even a small difference between weight and lift is gonna be quite a bit of weight. If it's short 10%, that's 15 tonnes, quite enough to sink in to create difficulties. Besides, an IL-76 probably doesn't have that great a cross country performance so getting speed up will be an increasingly tricky problem. And if it's not taken off at the end off the runway, clearing objects near the end of the runway starts getting a real problem too. Besides, these are the circumstances when pilots start making mistakes. While it's true this aircraft wasn't inches away from a crash, it found itself in a pretty serious position.
  13. Same video (I hope) for those that don't let their media player get out on the internets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdMNg8FrVYM Gotta love the commentary.
  14. I'm open to clarification on this myself. What exactly is the difference? Really? I seem to have very little trouble clearing rooftops with it. It's my SOP in any urban area to first have some air bursts to depopulate the roofs.
  15. Non-oil consumer in an oil consuming world. It should be no surprise to anyone that doesn't go very well. Aside from not being quite so fundamentalist about it it'll be easier if the whole of society is making the gradual change with you. But that trend is already under way, regardless of green industry. It's why western nations should be at the front of the queue on green industry: To get a head start and smooth out our fall from dominance. It's probably going to prolong the West's current position in the world, if anything.
  16. When I give a 'General' type fire mission then detonation on impact is exactly what I'm expecting. You have that control, don't expect your virtual artillery men to be mindreaders. Have you tried the 'Armor' target type against buildings? I'd be interested in how they'd perform, been a long long time since I used it, TBH. And l concur with Apocal on perceived effectiveness. Time and time again I read about bombardments or direct fire HE leading to high expectations and, almost invariably, disappointment regarding the ability to kill whomever is shot at. It's not like arty is completely ineffective, just not the kill-o-zap you want it to be.
  17. And even if it was all bollocks, which all the clues say it isn't, why not just develop green energy to piss off the Saudis? Honestly ASL Vet, you are in serious tinfoil territory here. Pretty much everyone wins, even if global warming is a myth.
  18. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=939538#post939538 The post that did it, not that it contains any info, and the explanation by Steve directly below. Not sure if it's helpful to go in to all the detail but if Steve warns you to behave, you behave or get helped towards the exit. Dorosh chose the exit, and good riddance in my opinion. May I ask why someone who has newly registered asks after someone long gone like Dorosh?
  19. Ofcourse, it's too easy for pilots to fall asleep, unless they entertain themselves.
  20. You know what they say about assumptions. Would a typical shell have delayed detonation? I thought the pointy bit was more for going thorough air then going through overhead protection. With HE falling on houses assuming to have been made with concrete (though I believe in CMSF it's a bit of a fudge) I'd not expect all that much from 105mm. A few casualties on the top floor, but not wholesale slaughter. Which is what I'm seeing in CMSF. Thought I'll admit that expectation is quite subjective. I find a 155mm or two quite sufficient to depopulate a top floor though. And if you are lucky and get a hit at the base or on the facade of the building, plenty of casualties elsewhere in the building too.
  21. All well and good, but tracers bouncing of terrain shouldn't be a problem, right?
  22. I think the outcome of the investigation should be pretty much irrelevant. These guys should never fly again. Either they fell asleep or were sufficiently distract to have been unable to hear comms, both are inexcusable. Personally, I'm thinking they fell asleep. I just can't believe they'd be that caught up in the argument as to not hear comms attempts and the undoubted bells and whistles.
  23. I'd rather not have that happen. Ample methods of sharing files available without muddying the waters of the Repository.
  24. You are forgetting the NATO/ISAF aspect. Political support for continuing is crumbling fast. If Karzai was allowed to steal the election without even the pretence of reining him in, the 40.000 US troops hoped for would mostly fill the gaps left by nations leaving. If you thought there was little political will in the US for succeeding in Afghanistan you've not been reading what the US allies think. Those are having a hard time selling the war at home. For the US to have any chance their Allies need to be assured that: A)they are supporting a vaguely legitimate Afghan government and The US is finally seen to be stepping up to the plate. If they made those commitment prior to Karzai agreeing to a second round (and possibly the second round going off without a hitch) they'd fail A. If they don't do B, the US will losing thousands of European troops and much PRT know-how. So they delay B until A happens. To do anything else would seem profoundly short sighted. But then again, the ball is in the Democrat court, and there is nothing they can't self-sabotage. I am convinced McChrystal is indeed practising Realpolitik with regards to his troop level request. Asking for what Obama can't give him damages both their positions. Obama is seen as weak and politically embarrassed and McChrystal loses influence at the White House as a result. McChrystal knows he needs to play ball or get off the field. You forget, generals of his rank aren't soldiers, they are politicians. If he thought he could possibly get 100.000 troops for Afghanistan, he'd ask for them. An excess of men is rarely complained about by generals. It's not like things are going well. He could use every soldier he can wring out of Washington. You seriously think that soldier #40.001 would be left playing Patience at Bagram?
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