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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. To be perfectly honest I'm not highly motivated to once again play through a campaign just to discover if this bug is fixed or not. Especially since it's not even mentioned as a fix.
  2. This patch prompts you to upgrade CMSF, CMSF plus one module or the other, or CMSF and both modules. Did you select the proper option?
  3. Marketing stunt, and as such I'm loathe to make much fuss about it. Yes, it's tasteless, no, it doesn't warrant laws to counter such. TBH I'm more annoyed by their decision not to allow dedicated servers. What attraction the developers think there is in sharing a game with random strangers of dubious conduct, I know not. I prefer not to share my internet with the average hooting ****wad that populates it. I've always found that favouring realism orientated servers serves greatly to give satisfaction both in gameplay and player behaviour.
  4. Unless only one target presents its self. Then they'll take turns to fire a Javelin at the target until that target is destroyed/abandoned.
  5. It's always been like that, though. And given that the AT4 isn't the greatest of weapons I hope it stays that way. Because there is a very distinct chance that a first shot miss won't lead to a second attempt. I'd rather get two shots in one go while the getting is good. Sure, at short ranges against a lightly armoured target it's a bit of a waste, but for a side shot at armour some ways away I'd be happy if all the squad AT4s get unloaded in a single volley.
  6. Hmmm, the Netherlands is a bit odd on that list. It's 18th on the list of total expenditure, which is higher then I expected. So with it being a flyspeck country with only 15 mln people I expected it to be very high on the '% of GDP' list. Not so, a very modest 102nd place! Huh!
  7. It wasn't a comment I made with ill will, those that have read it that way may want to control their kneejerk reaction a bit. All I'm saying is that amidst the compliments for the US military, the pricetag deserves a mention. In the comment that lead to ***** speculation I even gave it the credit of being the best there is. But anyone not concerned at the cost of it in regards to what the US is getting in return, is a damn fool. The USMC, whom I hold in VERY high regard, are sort of making my point. Being last in line for new equipment (heck, last in line for old equipment) they are probably the finest large fighting force in the world. And that's my point. US military is awesome. Their funding is awesome², so why are only the Marines awesome²?
  8. And then you realize they have a trillion dollar defence budget. If you take in to account the resources of the US military (staggering funding, a large, educated recruitment pool) they aren't all that impressive. Sure, they can beat any one rival, with some ease and that's all that counts if all hell breaks loose. But bang for your buck I reckon the US is not all it can be.
  9. Did you, or did you not react badly to Cpl Steiner? Do you think that on second reading of the offending post you were correct in doing so? Those are the questions at hand. As for me throwing stones, I know a saying about that too: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and with you clearly being without sin, I thought it was my turn. Look, I bear no ill will, but you needed to be told you were acting foolish. As for the accuracy of GK: I think Wright probably didn't get it far wrong. It is those that got painted in a bad light that decried the accuracy. They would, wouldn't they? I've had my share of NCOs/officers that were either unbalanced, clueless or both and have no difficulty believing that Wright saw some of that. Some of it may have been blown out of proportion, but I'd be very surprised if it was flat out made up. I recall reading that the USMC has since warmed up to the book. If correct, that seems to indicate it wasn't a completely made up hatchet job.
  10. Well Apocal, you weren't exactly doing yourself credit either, flying off the handle at Cpl Steiner quite unfairly, and unlike him taking a direct jingoist swipe. Read his post again. It isn't as bad as you think it is. But since, chiefly thanks to you, it is that kind of thread: The Dutch contingent in As-Samawah (Iraq) are reported to have been very *uhm* annoyed by the Americans whom they regarded as reckless idiots whom had little care but for their own safety. Several times American truck convoys killed pedestrians by their high speed tactics in a built up area. The Dutch (who never felt they needed to take such actions) were left to clean up the mess, the US convoys never bothering to stop. They seem to be getting along in Afghanistan, though.
  11. Hogwash! You weren't discussing his scientific view, but you did get round to mention his party affiliation and media exposure. Politics.
  12. I think Generation Kill portrayed the Marines as human. All foibles, failings and foolishness included.
  13. See? Back to politics even in the rebuttal.
  14. It's not a good sign if three threads get locked and this isn't one of them. This isn't science, this is politics, and as such breach of forum rules. Lock please!
  15. Given the circumstances we should not post the link to JMMs site here, I think. Google is your friend.
  16. I can fully understand that for whatever reason BFC and JMM had to part way. Surprising it was this late in the game, but I guess stuff happens. But BFC won no prizes for the manner in which it happened. The "cancelled" message leaves an erroneous impression about HistWar. And the locking of the forum and any comment on it is not appreciated. At all. Whatever sour grapes there may be, it's nothing to do with me, and a few days to discuss this amongst ourselves doesn't seem out of line. As for the Modern Naval Battles WWII At Sea game... well, it was pretty clear that unlike HistWar that one just wasn't going anywhere. It's sad, but probably for the best that time gets called on it.
  17. Could we have the Normandy forum now? I do believe some room has opened up. Seriously, no kudos for the comms on that one. No matter what went down behind the scenes, I find the crackdown unseemly. :mad:
  18. I dunno why BFC won't include one of the heavies. Currently B-1Bs are one of the primary CAS platforms in Afghanistan (and Iraq, I suppose?) because they can loiter over the battlefield for hours on end. I reckon they've gotten good at it by now and would have been eagerly used in that role in the hypothetical Syrian conflict. Oh my, for the chance to give a linear targeting order to a B-1 and blast a whole ridgeline. The thought alone makes me giddy.
  19. Uhm... have you tried searching for Generation Kill at the link kindly provided by mikkey? I have it's radio chatter to replace the loading music etc. Much less annoying, even though by now I can damn near recite the featured radio traffic.
  20. The important question is: So what? While Steve has been foolishly definite in his predictions, it's still a prediction, not some legally binding contract with us to release on X date. They don't actually owe it to us to make the date. I'd rather see a delay then BFC sticking to a certain date at all costs. We all know what happened last time. The alternative is keeping us wholly in the dark. I would like that a whole lot less then BFC missing their release date.
  21. Though I'm happy to believe that US designers were not as Spartan in their design as they could have been, I reckon the weight difference is mostly armour. The BMP isn't exactly a wonder of passenger protection. It's frontal arc is good enough, but sides and rear are hard pressed to stop an MMG round whereas Bradley, and I think Warrior too, were designed to offer all around HMG protection. That adds up, weight wise.
  22. I like it. Small job, small vehicle. I sure don't think it should be laughed at by taxpayers who are coughing up for a $1,000,000,000,000 defence budget this year. How is that C-130 transportable Stryker working out for you guys, btw?
  23. For single screenshots be sure to try Ye Olde Printscreen, Alt-Tab out and paste in to what graphics program you prefer.
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