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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. It's seems elicense is the problem. But it's not immediately clear to me why, as I can't really tell what you did with your CMSF installation. Seems like you may have copied the CMSF folder to a safe location and copied back when you were done building the system. If that is the case all the files are in place except that e-license is no longer properly activated.
  2. Oh gosh, crackdom. I'm not sure I should. Well, maybe a little. I can stop whenever I want to.
  3. Just make a Z folder in DATA and put it in there. It should then get used in place of the original without overwriting it. If for some reason you want to revert back, you needn't replace or re-install, merely remove the offending file from the Z folder.
  4. Well done her, and congratulations to the both of you! As for the two presents thing... why bother? You aren't going to top the one you gave this year!
  5. If you have a module installed you'll never need a patch from Gamersgate again, just use the BFC patches from now on.
  6. Hey, just because the Germans had flying saucers with a Panther turret underneath doesn't mean it's sci-fi. Or sumfink. :confused:
  7. This seems an appropriate thread to post in. Dirty, dirty Mac Are you kidding me?!
  8. I thought we were promised a bone a week or two ago, but I've not seen anything with any real meat on it yet. Some additional screenshots (German vehicles!) and/or some info on the QB or Campaign would be especially nice.
  9. Having watched a few episodes, I find it not at all hard to believe why this show was put out of it's misery. So aimless and dull, I couldn't make out what the show was trying to do to entertain me. It didn't tick any of the boxes that would make me watch a show, and worse, I don't think it even tried. No humour, no action, no suspense, no good dialogue, no likeable characters and no nekkid women. What did this show think I would watch it for? Now, I didn't see all of them ( I think I caught episode three through seven, though the attention paid to it dropped off after episode four) so maybe it was a good show in the bits I didn't see, the bits I did see did nothing to motivate me to hang on in there. One particularly dire moment was when the crew was explaining how their hair was behaving like normal. Some magnetic spray or such. I think I preferred my suspension of disbelief, but thank you very much for calling attention to the elephant in the room.
  10. *looks at keyboard in guilty disgust* Hehe, mine is an open-sided dust collector extraordinaire so I HAVE to clean it regularly or it kills itself. The GPU clogged up a month or two ago, though not remotely as bad as in the pictures. But alas, my keyboard is pretty dire. Such a bugger to clean. I think I'll throw it in the dishwasher one of these days to check if it's actually true you can do that. If it gets fried/drowned I'll happily buy a new one anyway. Beyond cleaning, the current one.
  11. Do we even know what the game will be called? I thought CM:N was a working title!
  12. I wonder how much aiming is really done with that. I suspect the above setup is more for general aiming in long range/low light conditions that actual precision shooting.
  13. Well, Pakistan might just do the ugly work for us. ISAF/UN just needs to prop up what poor excuse for an Afghan government is available to us long enough for the Taliban be destroyed elsewhere. Ofcourse, if our will crumbles before the Pakistanis are done in their neck of the the woods, they'll not get anywhere either. But I think our chance of succes has never been greater, even with the mission in Afghanistan faltering. Losing support from the Pakistanis, in particular ISI, has weakened the Taliban like they've never been weakened before.
  14. Doh! What did we do? Bit of an own goal there. Did you know that free games were getting really big too? I'm just saying...
  15. Reviewers would probably not agree and will in all likeihood cut BFC's bollocks off with a rusty saw if they didn't include a campaign from the start.
  16. I thought most research seemed to indicate that violent games kept kids prone to violence in their basement playing games rather then climbing the bell tower.
  17. Seeing the same thing here in The Netherlands. €49.95 has been the norm for quite a while now, and lately seeing more and more €59.95 for the big hype titles.
  18. Weren't we due a bone? Or did I blink and miss it?
  19. I fear I'm the bearer of bad news. The CTD after Night Stalkers is a known and sadly still unfixed issue. I'm not aware of any way to get around it either, other then to do deliberately lose Night Stalkers. Welcome to the forum, I only wish I had a happier welcome for you!
  20. Then they can't complain. People asking for a ban to protect their children are basically owning up to being lazy parents.
  21. That's more a better "safe then sorry" statement. Mods are unlikely to cause an error. Just plonk your old mods in to the Z Folder and see what happens. In the unlikely event of a conflict, just remove/add till you find the culprit.
  22. You'd be foolish to let this influence your decision. While BFC are lamentably lacking in addressing this issue, the modules aren't suffering from this issue at all. In fact, the Marine and Brit campaigns are rather superior to the one provided in CMSF. I'd thoroughly recommend it. That's my €0.02.
  23. That won't work. Why not just install again? You can run two copies alongside each other. It's not like this game has a terribly large footprint.
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