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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Having been to France a couple of times I've seen the village squares and their monuments. And no matter how small the village, there always is one and it's list of names is always longer then you would think possible. Hence I find those jokes not all that amusing.
  2. Yeah, 2nd Gulf War seems to have triggered it. Special extra credit goes to Groundskeeper Willy from The Simpsons for the phrase "Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys". Ofcourse that whole tribes of people now think this is a valid view on French history is a tad depressing.
  3. My math gives thumbs down to that. PS WTF is up with the formatting of that post, anyway? I think it may be a crime in some nations. Seriously, press quote to see what I mean.
  4. Uh... are you sitting down? No random maps for Normandy. Steve has written even megatiles are not only some while off, IIRC it's no sure thing. That's sounds good to me. Should provide some passable maps. Cropping pre-existing maps is probably harder then it sounds though. But even mere picking the maps yourself or randomly by the game, unaltered, would go a long way to reduce current map selection suckage. We can make ditches already. Were you thinking of something particularly ditch-like?
  5. I'm sorry Joch, but I don't think that's actually correct. Objects in the field of view are either unseen or fully ID-ed. I've never seen the in-between state (indicated by a "?" according to you) for a vehicle that was still visible but as yet unidentified. Nor do I believe that sound contacts have been implemented. It's been my experience that the "?" marker only relates to previously seen units currently not being spotted, for whatever reason.
  6. You are mistaken there, gibsonm. The instant ID is on every level. While it doesn't literally give you the amount of men in a sighted unit, the unit name will let you make that conclusion.
  7. Nah-ah Steve, no takesies backsies. M12 GMC it is. I wish I was entirely joking. Along the way we've seen a variety of pretty exotic vehicles but stuff like this that would nicely round out Allied forces never gets a shot. It's known this vehicle was used in the direct fire role late in the war. Instead we'll no doubt get the fecking Ostwind. Again. Also, you should've said 15cm.
  8. And you think that's not an exceedingly marginal need? Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't mind TCP/IP WEGO either. But please stop overstating the importance of it given that it's entirely possible to get essentially the same functionality, minus some convenience, from using an e-mail or chat client. Steve has already indicated we will be getting it for CM:N. Which is more then can be said for randomly generated megatile maps or more campaign features.
  9. Correct! You are the lucky winner of a full year of "Elmar not posting a cowbell picture at you". Could someone post a cowbell picture at Stoex?
  10. Hey, no fair! That's what you said last time. I knew you as a pretty noisy little fella, son. All of a sudden you get quiet. Lost your book of answers or are you just waiting for a lawyer? And s a prize for the person who gets that one, I promise not to post a cowbell picture at you for a full year!!! And remember, no googling, know your classics!
  11. Suckers! The Netherlands hasn't got any threat levels at all. As a fairly inoffensive country we assume we either don't get attacked or get atacked by such a douchebag enemy that must surely have picked up more enemies then just the Dutch. Then we wait for liberation.
  12. Didn't they get let of the chain only late late in the war? They'd be a pretty marginal player in Summer '44 fighting.
  13. Doh, missed that link. Actually, it's not clear from that post if the T-62 was facing the BRDM or not. Nor is the BDRM out of range of the T-62 at 3.000m. It's long range to hit but pretty much any round fired would KO a BRDM on a hit. Never used the BRDMs much, but TOW Strykers are none too happy about squaring off with MBTs. Nor should they! At CMSF ranges their behaviour doesn't seem excessive. I reserve judgement about this being a bug or not. If they never fire because they always flee, that's a problem. Otherwise, it might be reasonable behaviour.
  14. And then there are people like me, who like to have fun while playing games.
  15. Oddly enough I'm expecting harsher time limits for CM:N. Those Germans were notorious for their prompt local counterattacks, so that'd be an extra reason to have a pressing time limit. Mind you, I am very much in favour of a 'play on' mode after the results screen.
  16. Uhm, yeah, this. Definitely this. That and penetration/hit decals on armour.
  17. Well, WP is of such a nature that you'd only have to seen its use once to hate it. The big trick is to get smoke grenades, and I'm thinking of WP mostly here, in their proper place in a CM battlefield. Give each squad just one WP nade and we'll be having a veritable WP deluge, because that's the kind of people we are. WP would be the new Javelin. There seems no doubt it was used on a passably frequent basis to obscure a road crossing or some similar movement. But that probably doesn't justify handing them out to every squad. What's the thinking on WP smoke and incendiary effects for tank shells? A lot more basis for inclusion, I'd think. Me, I'm just doubtful if we should be seeing the whole WP v tank thing simulated.
  18. I'm going to file the gun elevation under "do a search", I fear. It was pretty thouroughly gone over not very long ago. As for tank blindness, it'd be more helpful to know what you think is wrong with it. Personally, I think it's somewhat erratic in regards to big vehicles right in the open at close ranges (<200m away), taking what seems like ages to spot those at times. Even in a Chally 2, not only Red stuff.
  19. Before you do anything, you should definitely patch up. BIG difference! As for your second issue: If they are firing on a spotted enemy then I know of no reason why they'd be targeting the building. They probably aren't.But keep in mind, these aren't Rambo types. Especially troops with lower skill levels are going to seem like they are spraying that building with gunfire. This might be what you are seeing. They are gunning for the right guy, they just suck at it. Searching onthe forum for "must have mods" should probably get you the results you need. But best thing is to browse the two foremost mod sites and pick what you like yourself. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=2 http://cmsfmods.greenasjade.net/mods
  20. Ever played X-COM: Enemy Unknown? Like that. Never played Enemy Unknown? Beg, borrow or steal your way to a copy. It may be 16 years old, it's also the best game ever made. Probably because it had megatiles! *hint*
  21. It was in Normandy where churches got de-steepled the most. With the slow pace of advance you certainly wouldn't want to be in eyeshot of a church tower for very long. It was such a custom that once the Allies broke out they had to be reminded not to shoot up every bell tower along the way. I don't really buy that it was rare to have activity around a church tower, or would be in game, but I guess resources have to be rationed. I can live with that. I do hope that there is some allowance for some creativity in the editor though. CMSF didn't exactly provide for minarets and Air Traffic Control towers, but I've seen a fair few of those by now. While we have anything to simulate churches? It'd be hard to simulate churches with generic buildings. Not only have they got a distinct look, the stereotypical Norman church would have walls to rival a castle, and would be an interesting obstacle. And practically every hamlet had one. Not having stuff going on in a steeple is one thing, not having churches depicted at all is quite another!
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