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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Have only seen the highlights, but that setpiece with swimming Orcas wasn't a mere feat of technology,it was magic! Poor form on the Canucks getting the Georgian guy killed. That corner is even to my untrained eye an accident waiting to happen. Sure, hindsight is 20/20, but very little protection to prevent people leaving the track and poles right behind. Who thought that was clever!? It appears that beforehand several had commented on that corner specifically being dangerous. Guess it wasn't listened to.
  2. They recently drove trough the street I lived in as I walked through it, me the scruffiest and unkempt I have been in ages, as luck would have it. It's not up yet, alas. Still it's kinda fun, and there's lots of fun stuff to be seen. An not just the Red Light district. A body, in Mexico, a Dutch firetruck knocking an old lady of her bike, etc, etc.
  3. Above all it is your game and you should play it in a manner you find enjoyable. If that happens to be reloading every time someone walk in to a bullet, by all means do so. But I wouldn't do it. Myself, I rather enjoy trying to recover from a SNAFU. Or, especially on defence, that desperate defeat where you have a heroic failure as things go wrong. I've found that me scratching my head over if I should do something risky is half the fun, and you'd rob yourself of that if you can just do so without fear of consequence by reload if it wasn't a good idea. As we say in The Netherlands, he who burns his arse must sit on the blisters. That's not to say I won't reload a game ever. If I give an order to do X and for some reason the pixeltroops do Y and get themselves killed, i may reload. But ordering X and finding that X was a bad idea... no, wouldn't reload that. But as I said, it is your game and you should derive pleasure from it any way you can.
  4. Yup. May I remind people of the following in the Cherrry Picking thread posted three weeks ago, when I prodded Steve for a bone on the QB cherry picking: So I'm sure Steve will be around shortly.
  5. Getting hit with RPGs and ATGMs is too nasty not to disembark. Even the better APCs don't exactly shrug off RPGs and other threats. As such, I dismount ALL infantry regardless of the quality of the vehicle. I find that any place where your infantry can't safely walk towards is not a place where you want to drop off your infantry anyway. It's better to approach an objective on foot, where the many eyes and muzzles of an infantry force, and the APCs on overwatch further back typically makes short work of any threat that might pop up.
  6. Why would they start with the same issues as CMSF had? That just doesn't make any sense at all! They are hardly going to throw away al the advances made in the last few years. Will there be a all new bugs? I'm sure there will be, there always are. But I doubt it'd be anything like the CMSF release. Which was problematic because it was their first shot with the new engine and they were obliged to publish when they did on account of the Paradox deal . No such pressure exists now and the engine is already in pretty good shape. I'm not worried on this account at all. Especially as the time passed has proved that BFC stand by their products. Unlike The Creative Assembly, who've given up on Empire Total War.
  7. That's some lurking skill you have there, Peerke. I'd welcome you to the forum but I'm not sure I should, you having been here longer then I. I expect that air support will be the same as in CMSF. As in: bombs, missiles, rockets and gunfire will enter the map from unseen aircraft. AA assets are likely limited to their ground combat usage.
  8. Why not? Most technical issues and flaws resulting from the premature CMSF release have been dealt with. While no doubt a number of new ones will crop up with each new title, I have every expectation that the pace will pick up as the hurdles get fewer.
  9. I recall doing well enough knocking a few of the more objectionable Syrian patrols on the head. Though I can't recall if I ever got fired upon in return. I thought it a rather fun change of pace.
  10. It's even harder to replicate the fighting around Caen without Brits. Point being that we are just going to have to get used to not getting everything in one go. Regular US army and Wehrmacht seems like quite the task to do well to start with.
  11. The exact distribution of German forces hasn't been made known. Though IIRC the SS has been mentioned as not appearing in the base game. This because they made limited contact with the Americans. It's quite likely they'll be added with the Commonwealth module, as those were their main opponents. FJ is a bit trickier to guess at, as they were involved in some of the more well known early battles in Normandy. This may see them arrive in the base game, though my money is on them arriving with their fellow paratroopers in the Arnhem themed module.
  12. ...will they be better then QBs in Syria? With all due respect to the talented map makers and AI planners, the current CMSF system of QBs isn't very good. Any chance it gets improved in CM:Afghanistan? If the CM:N system could be bolted on to CM:A too, that'd be great. Or not, as it's an unrevealed system of unknown value. Which is another thing I'd like BFC to talk about.
  13. The QB system in CMSF will remain in it's feeble state. Maybe, just maybe a little fix here or there, but expect no significant new features. Future games will have the system as mentioned in the Cherry Picking thread.
  14. I'm going to assume the "German cameraman" didn't ninja-film Brits receiving artillery fire (0:31). And there are several other bits that are not filmed from a German POV. So except for the bits that aren't German, yeah, it's German.
  15. Left handed people? Or possibly that the image is mirrored?
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum. Yeah, this is a known problem with the UI, it's just not telling you any useful details. For aircraft ordinance, bombs are always of the guided variety. Amount of bombs is a factor in the Heavy/Medium/Light selection, but bombs sizes too IIRC. It's hard to distinguish between 2.000lb and 1.000lb bombs though. All bombs have a huge blast and leave ditto crater, so you are pretty much down to directly comparing crater sizes.
  17. The quality is good. the labelling of it as German isn't.
  18. Well, the thing is, we currently have trench terrain tiles in CMSF that are basically ditches. Both visually and functionally they are quite like ditches. The CMSF trenches are in fact very un-trench-like. Ofcourse, that type of trench may not have survived the transition to LOS applicable fortifications. But scenario designers have been using them widely as ditches so I can't imagine they've not been brought forward in to CM:N in some fashion. About random immobilisations: in CMSF it is entirely possible to manoeuvre vehicles over trenches in such a way that they can get stuck. Nothing random, they just get wedged in such a fashion they can't move. Haven't had it happen to me in ages though. I hope that's because I stopped farting about with wheeled vehicles near trenches. Not that I have too much trouble with random immobilizations. Sometimes tracks break without immediately obvious causation, that grassy field is wetter then you first thought, or something that should go *whirrrr* goes *CLUNK* instead. And then there you are, immobilized at the most inconvenient place possible. It happens.
  19. mozart1786, As you can see, this forum isn't merely for the exchange of ideas, it's also a rather successful tool for keeping nutters off our streets.
  20. Battlefront. Whatever made you think 1C had a role?
  21. Hmmm, Sergei has given me something to think about. Plastic surgery pretty much sprang to life during the war. Going over the top at the Somme=Boob jobs. Thank heavens for WW I!
  22. The Germans don't use DU AFAIK. Tungsten, I believe.
  23. It's also funny to note that Germany who stood by France during that time escaped censure. Turns out the German war record was a good thing. :confused:
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