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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Yeah, I think BFC misread the signs on those issues. If BFC read more about issues surrounding QBs and Operations then any other it is because so many people spend so much time with those features.
  2. Nope, you need to SELL games to be a commercial enterprise. Which they did. LOL.
  3. And not a wholly dissimilar colour scheme on their site. (atleast, for those of us still using Ye Olde forum colours) http://www.battlefrontpaintball.com/about_us.asp so I reckon I called this right. So essentially someone mistakenly strays on to this forum and gets insta-banned without so much as a "how do you do". Not my idea of manners.
  4. A partially filled out profile and the vague nature of the post are a-typical of spam. Where's the link, where are the options? Someone mistook this forum for some other place, is my bet.
  5. I'm going to assume that somewhere a paintball club called "Battlefront" is missing a member. As such banning him is harshly impersonal. Oh well... at least now we know Moon is still hard at work.
  6. It's much the same with the Dutch army. On paper the FN MAG was replaced with the Minimi on the section level while the MAG moved to a platoon level asset. In practise however they appear to be used in the same role as before.
  7. As for their replacement of Sunderlands: For looking at long range targets on land I'd think the Mosquito would take over ASAP, which would be late '41. On the Naval search/patrol front the Sunderland remained in service throughout WW2 but was augmented mostly with B-24s, Catalinas and Wellingtons within Coastal Command. True replacement came with the Shackleton in the 50s, if my memory service me right.
  8. l'll repeat my request on this isue: A "Play On" option after the results screen. That way the player is still stimulated to get a move on, as he should, but can play for as long as he likes too. best of both worlds IMHO.
  9. Excuse me while I take my pinch of salt. £14 million? That's about 200 Javelins.
  10. I think you'll find this statement is entirely based on bullcrap. The M1 based helmets in use during his time in the army can't be regarded as much more then a morale boosting device. I've seen some helmets exposed to shrapnel and pistol shots and have come to the conclusion one shouldn't trust them to be able to stop a thrown marshmallow. On modern equipment: I wouldn't try it. Asides from being unsure as to how much the newer helmets would actually stop, there's all kinds of soft bits sticking out.
  11. That's so messed up I just can't imagine how such a scheme came to be. How can anyone think that's an appropriate thing to do? I would hate to be the lawyer defending this on the merits.
  12. I'm not expecting any ground to air interaction whatsoever. Air to ground, yes, because that's rather essential. But ground to air is a whole other sim. Certainly I would not want such RPG action as you describe because I reckon that'd get annoying real quick. A Hind overflies battlefield and suddednly I lose half my RPGs because everyone wants a go? If there was to be AA action, I'd prefer it'd be limited to dedicated AA tools like DSHK, Stinger and 23mm cannon platforms.
  13. Even an UGL user would compensate for a round falling short. btw I would not refer to 40mm UGL rounds as rifle grenades, a term more typically reserved for muzzle mounted grenade launchers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rifle_grenade
  14. *looks at the CMSF case* I'm not sure you aren't on crack.
  15. Yeah, because it marks you out as a weak kneed sissy. Duh! GET HIM!!!!!
  16. Uhm, pretty sure the Brits got done by BFCs second eleven.
  17. Mike, it's been three years. Could you find in your power to get over it? The whys and wherefores have been gone over countless of times. What further mea culpa were you looking for? Sjeez! I do admit, the spectacular slide of CM:N down the calender has been disconcerting to see. As is the knowledge that several features haven't even been programmed yet. Oh well, better done right then right now, and all that.
  18. For my part I am still awaiting the promised details on the QB unit purchase system.
  19. With that speed you can run in to a pink fluffy cloud and it'll still mess you up. What was needed was higher boarding to prevent him leaving the track or failing that a clear stretch for him to decelerate, somewhat like a F1 gravel trap. It'd still be no laughing matter to overturn your luge. But iron poles directly behind the low boarding on the outside of the fastest corner? Now that's just damnably negligent. It's an Olympic venue, for goodness sake!!! The local skateboard park has better safety features.
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