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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Doubtful. Those that did pay extra might not think it very fair.
  2. But it hasn't lost 1% of the weight. The amount of water in the product has been reduced to the point it no longer outnumbers the fruit 99 to 1 but rather 98 to 2. In other words, nearly half the water is gone.
  3. If you don't want your sense of perspective mocked, utilise it more. First you fault Combat Mission for being named Combat Mission if it doesn't have feature X, then you launch a personal attack on me that is neither here nor there. I'm not up for sainthood any time soon, but you are just being a dick.
  4. Post #16 right here, hence my April 1st related refusal to respond in any helpful manner.
  5. Try asking that on another day, I have got some difficulty taking this request seriously right now.
  6. I actually kinda liked it. Action packed, it was the better kind of talent show.
  7. More Germans?! There are dead Krauts under the PAK, AND a burning JagdPanzer IV. What more could you want? Okay, you can only see the smoke of the later, but that's being fussy.
  8. I'm with fk on this one. Seems like an urban myth took root. If you are close enough to a blast to exert such a force, you are pretty much toast anyway.
  9. It's certainly desirable. Not just handy in adjusting already given waypoints, but I use it often for giving new orders to multiple units. For instance if I want an infantry platoon to go some place I select the lot of them, group move them and fine tune the destinations up close. Because it's such a basic control method, CMSF really confronts you with this inability frequently.
  10. You may wish to make it understood that you were drinking Guinness at the time. If you don't, Irishmen will break down your door looking for this magical source of Guinness.
  11. No, I'm sure they wouldn't, them being fair and balanced. Say.. now that I've distracted you from my whinging nature, any word on kill stat tracking? Also, it's been month since I pestered you about tracers bouncing off terrain. Please consider yourself pestered.
  12. Show you how much you know. Sjeez! There's not been tulips grown in a Dutchman's garden since we found a strain of cannabis that would stand our ****ty weather.
  13. In my haste to find Bulletheads classic post I forgot to add my appreciation of the graphics. Unlike most wargamers, I'm a complete sucker for shiney graphics. And these look pretty darn good. Interior shot of the HMC M7 are especially nice! Look at that detail! :eek::eek::eek:
  14. There are Shermans and there are fires. It is thus a safe bet there are Shermans on fire. It is their typical state of being. *edit* The chances of a Sherman being on fire being explained in greater detail in this classic post.
  15. But that wasn't the point I was making at all. I think you'll find I've been backing BFC to the hilt on the issue you raise.
  16. Steve, I'm still not entirely clear on rarity points. What would make up it's rarity value? Say, a King Tiger. Very useful and in this period, fairly rare. Would this cost more or less rarity points then a solid gold Kettenkraftrad? Less useful but REALLY rare. Also, in regards to the variable value according to the scenario: Is there an option to turn that off ? I just don't like the idea that this "smart" system would limit my freedom to be a fool. I don't see the value of charging more for units that are the right pick for a particular scenario. To me, making the right picks should be rewarded in gameplay. With adjustable values, there'd be a surcharge for making the smart choices. I just can't see that making me happy. And one last note on the subject of Quick Battles, I've been a critic of the CMSF QBs for quite a while, as you may have noticed. And have been advocating a return to the points system of CMx1. You've made it clear you thought points were a distraction, and asserted that CM wouldn't return to points based system. But now it looks that we not only get the points back, we get TWO sets of points. A double whammy to argue over. How did that happen? Now, for the bit where I get petulant and disgrace myself. Maybe I'm suffering from "beta tester withdrawal syndrome' and I'm simply missing the inside scoop, but I think that lately there's been an unusual dearth of information. Bones have been few and far between. Now, I've in the past been pretty outspoken that you guys don't owe us a bone. If you guys don't feel you should share info, that is your call. But dear god, did you have to take me that literal? What's worse, you've been less tight with promising bones then delivering bones. That's where I get a bit annoyed. I've got relatively low expectations in relation to being given bones. but whenyou raise those expectations, I'm not going to lower them for you again. In relation to getting a bone on QBs, we were told in August: Well, those goalpost sure got moved. Has coding on the system you described been started? I hope so, I really do. In the last couple of months there's been an expectation of a bone given by you that just hasn't been met. A few "soon" and a "I'll try and make amends this week" that was a few weeks ago. Then at long last a "this weekend" and by god, you did it. On Sunday 23:40, and only if you live in the western part of the US. It's like you were taking the mickey. And I was kinda expecting more, given the seeming effort that required several days to produce a bone. I expected screen-shots, a website or, oh my goodness, a forum. But no. Text only. And mighty fine text it was, and thank you for it. But I expected a wee bit more, given the song and dance that preceded it. I fully understand that informing the customer of future products isn't the no.1 priority for BFC. But I kinda want it to be somewhere in the top 10. And I'm definitely not feeling that right now. We've been told next to nothing recently. I thought the recent and spectacular sliding of the release date would have warranted some sort of comment. Even the games title hasn't been made public yet! Bit by bit it's no big deal at all. It's not even a small deal in some instances. But the overall trend makes me I really don't get what's going on, and why communication is so very hard all of a sudden. It's not what I'm used to around here and I hope you change tack because I don't like it one bit. I told you I'd be petulant.
  17. Meanwhile... this Dutchman saves on his future heating bill with his obnoxiously über font ramping up global warming.
  18. Every time someone in the games industry says "soon", a smoking hot calendar girl dies.
  19. A week really isn't long enough to start worrying. Especially if it needs to cross a border or two.
  20. There's varying degrees of data. Stuff like CC data is, given its nature, made pretty much unreachable. So "either the SOB got the info or he did not" is incorrect. All the evidence points to a relatively superficial breach where he injected code on to the site. And he had a go at the forum accounts. From what I've seen he so far managed to get mostly low hanging fruit with such brilliant passwords as "password", 1234567 etc, though other numerics were also cracked. Heck, I could pull that off. The reason you should change the passwords is that every bit helps. Yes, there's a risk he might try again (and succeed) even if you do. But generally I lock my doors despite the existence of burglars with crowbars. Quick recap: your CC info is safe, your BFC account shouldn't hold anything that can seriously effect you and the forum account is the bitch of anyone who cares. No reason to panic. I reckon the most serious threat was to those that downloaded the client .exe, which might have installed just about anything on your PC, potentially compromising it. In that case a full HD format is the smart move. How is this hurting your wallet, that one puzzles me.
  21. I think I require more then two hours of sleep to get to grips with tackling this without saying something stupid and mean spirited. Oh hell, this may require more then the usual seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. :cool: Brief summation of my initial reaction: Mildly pleased on the QB system as perceived, not so happy about the bone as a piece of information.
  22. F5 *sigh* F5 *yawn* F5 *sigh* F5 *yawn* F5 *sigh* F5 *yawn* F5 *sigh* F5 *yawn*
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