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George MC

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    George MC got a reaction from Bulletpoint in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    This really minds me of the Father Ted episode when Ted is seen (mistakingly) doing a Hitler impression…
  2. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Vacillator in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    I'm not sure if that's a reflection on me, or our village?  😂  Either way, I think you're saying I should be called Hyacinth, not 'the Nazi in the village'?
  3. Like
    George MC reacted to Bulletpoint in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    I couldn't help but imagine this as an episode of "Keeping up Appearances"
  4. Like
    George MC got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    Ha! Ha! Excellent story! I always have to explain my book collection when people come to visit. I feel I need to provide context to what they are seeing! Luckily majority of my close friends ‘get it’ and are mildly interested in the subject themselves  
    Yeah never read MK and never will. 
  5. Upvote
  6. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Aragorn2002 in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    I hear you, Tim. First time my cleaning lady cleaned my study room, she thought I was some military nut, with all my books,military medals, battle paintings, swords and other weapons. She now knows me as quite harmless and peaceful, but one can't be too careful with proclaiming our 'hobby'. 😀
  7. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Vacillator in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    Worse than that George, at a comedy night in our village, the comedian asked if anyone had any Nazi books (whatever they are) and my wife shouted out that I did, based on such classics as Panzers in Normandy and The Battle of the Bulge Then and Now. 
    I am now the 'Nazi in the village' 😂.
    More oddly, I was approached afterwards by a lady I knew, who offered me a copy of Mein Kampf.  I refused, saying it is not a good read 🤪.
  8. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Erwin in Red-do of TV98-3 “Attack in Brandenburg” as REDFOR vs OPFOR   
    Thank you for the update, George.  
  9. Thanks
    George MC got a reaction from Malaspina in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    I fell down this rabbit hole when doing some research on panzer crew training for my panzer tactics series.
    Its interesting this approach still resonates in more modern military manuals, guess attention spans of teens has not changed that much in 80 odd years...! 
  10. Upvote
    George MC got a reaction from OldSarge in Red-do of TV98-3 “Attack in Brandenburg” as REDFOR vs OPFOR   
    Just uploaded new version (v.5) with couple of minor tweaks.
  11. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Red-do of TV98-3 “Attack in Brandenburg” as REDFOR vs OPFOR   
    Just uploaded new version (v.5) with couple of minor tweaks.
  12. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    I fell down this rabbit hole when doing some research on panzer crew training for my panzer tactics series.
    Its interesting this approach still resonates in more modern military manuals, guess attention spans of teens has not changed that much in 80 odd years...! 
  13. Thanks
    George MC reacted to Aragorn2002 in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    Informative and interesting as always, George. Vielen Dank!
  14. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Commanderski in How the 'Tiger-fibel' and 'Panther-fibel' came about - a short history   
    I fell down this rabbit hole when doing some research on panzer crew training for my panzer tactics series.
    Its interesting this approach still resonates in more modern military manuals, guess attention spans of teens has not changed that much in 80 odd years...! 
  15. Like
    George MC reacted to laurent 22 in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    It's not just a game for Battlefront, it's their work, it's normal that they defend it vigorously because they love what they do and so do I.
    I wish the Battlefront team a 🌲Happy New Year🌲 and lots of success for their future projects.
  16. Upvote
    George MC reacted to slippy in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    While I can understand peoples frustration and I do think communication could be better. I do not think mud slinging by either side does any good at all.
    Everyone needs to take a step backwards, after all this is just a game we are talking about. If you feel angry, frustrated, bitter, or whatever, then maybe its time to take a break, play a different game, spend more time with family and friends, or something similar.
    Whatever you choose to do, there is absolutely no point in coming on here and complaining. There is no proof that it makes a blind bit of difference to release schedules or projects.
    I've been playing CM games since CM1, I have all CM2 titles and packs, I will continue to buy whatever is offered, whenever it is offered.
    I still have not had time to play every campaign, scenario or battle, so there is still plenty to do. Plus there are also people continuing to make great campaigns such as George MC, Dragonwyn, Paper Tiger, and Frank is soon to deliver a paid for campaign for RT.
    If I get fed up with some of titles due to bugs, AI or boredom, then I go and play something else, or go to the gym, have a walk.
    Life is to short and precious to get hang up on a computer game, surely
  17. Upvote
    George MC got a reaction from Anthony P. in BattlePack SPW lessons scenarios   
    This series of three missions are based on the concept lessons contained in a period German manual titled “Combat Instruction For The Panzer Grenadier” created by Major Helmut von Wehren who was the commander of a training unit and also some principles contained in the 5 August 1944 Manual ‘Panzer Grenadier: Instruction Manual for the Panzer troops: Leadership and fighting of the Panzer-Grenadier’.
    Whilst direct translations of the exercises don’t translate that well to a CM environment, I used the concept to create three ‘lessons’ to help players use German armored personal carriers (or as the Germans themselves referred to them - SPW (Schützenpanzerwagen, or armored infantry vehicle) in a more doctrinally ‘correct’ manner within the limitations of the Combat Mission game engine. 
    Each Lesson has a ‘Tactical Top Tips’ at the end of each briefing (under ‘notes’) which may help the player new to using SPW in Combat Mission get the most out of them..
    The issues you highlighted and the top tips in the briefing are meant to help you avoid em. In truth if you were frustrated in this one the others won't be much better so might be worth applying the old Kolb learning cycle to your playthroughs.
    Just in case you missed em:
    Tactical Top Tips for Lesson 1
    In this first lesson the player starts off with one SPW and associated gruppe (squad) on the map as the ‘point’ element, closely followed ten minutes later by the rest of the zug (platoon). Good practice would be to send at least two vehicles on such a mission. If one breaks down the other can at least take it under tow; if moving tactically the other vehicle can at least provide ‘overwatch’.
    In Combat Mission SPW gunners are prime targets and if ‘opened up’ will attract fire. At anything under around 500m this incoming fire will stand a high chance of killing the gunner. Having the gunner (and hence all occupants) keep their heads down reduces the chances of them coming under fire and suffering casualties. However, having them buttoned down comes at the cost of them having reduced spotting ability.
    If moving through close terrain consider dismounting the squad, split off a scout team and send them ahead to scout ahead. If ambushed, then you ‘only’ lose two riflemen. However, the ‘scout team’ lack binoculars. If you split the squad into an assault configuration the A section will have the squad leader and the binoculars so may be a better option if scanning the terrain at distance is desired.
    Panzer-grenadier squads often have smoke grenades. Whilst you cannot use them from the vehicle, they are useful for when they are dismounted to provide cover.
    With practice you will find you can position a SPW hull down where the gunner is less exposed and using a short cover arc means they will not engage a target and less likely to be spotted and in turn be engaged. This only works at distance – 300m plus being ‘safe’ against rifle fire but up to around 500m against MG fire.
    If attacking with SPW and infantry mounted you MUST ensure that you suppress the enemy. Launching an attack against unsuppressed enemy forces in Combat Mission will not end well for the attacking SPW. So, ensure enemy/defenders are SUPRESSED. Not firing back but cowering and hugging the dirt. SUPRESSED!
    If you want a deeper dive then check out the attached PDF. These two videos give a CM-specific view which might also be of interest?
    “Tactically Correct Driving with the Armored Personnel Carrier” by @Bil Hardenberger
    Combat Mission Units: Summary and overview of German Halftracks SKDFZ 251 in CMRT and advice on their pros and cons in game by @Usually Hapless  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQrOjrJKoJI
     Hope you find it clicks but feel free to ask questions here.
    SPW Training Missions Tactics and Lessons_FINAL.pdf
  18. Thanks
    George MC reacted to Chibot Mk IX in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    Roger that.
    I opened the mission 3 yesterday. Yes, it is very open, I am thinking to advance in a column formation to the right then make a 90 degree turn change into the line formation, just like the good old Frederick era.  I will need a lot of smokes to ensure the safety of this maneuver.
  19. Upvote
    George MC reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Israel Gonna Get?   
    You see it right here.  Even people on different sides are just people.
    I am indigenous.  Cree and visible enough to get pinged on the street.  And I think this trend of white guilt is incredibly harmful and in some case just plain wrong - it is a topic of hot debate around The_Capt family table I can tell, especially with my daughter.
    It is relevant that you mention it because it is exactly what we are wrestling with at the staff college right now: Are we teaching future senior officer "how to think" or "what to think".  I am in that first camp, deeply.
    The reality is that racism exists in just about every culture on earth since the dawn of time.  Native Americans had a slave trade long before white men even showed up.  It was broader then economics but it definitely was there.  To lay all the modern ills on the White Man's table is nothing more than a convenient excuse to avoid dealing with internal social dysfunction goin back generations.  White men have got sins, there is no doubt about this, but they do not give me license to abuse my wife and family or lean on substance abuse.
    Now where we likely differ is on the "so what?"  Our aim moving forward is to stare all that bad directly in the face and say "Ya, ok. But not me and mine."  I could give two figs about white colonialism, my son is going to be a lawyer and master the system at its own game.  I can be proud of my heritage (good and bad) and still be better at this world.  And make damn sure my kids are even better than me.
    I am not pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian.  I am pro "let's stop acting like a bunch of insular and scared primates and evolve to the bigger game and better natures our ancestors really had in mind."  It is hard.  It is not fair.  But we can be better than them...that is what they really wanted for us in the first place.     
  20. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Chibot Mk IX in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    Sorry for tardy reply - been busy few weeks. 
    Aye nicely done - I’m proud of that part of the battle
    Yeah the later part of this action does become very CQB. Will be a contrast to mission 3 for sure. 
    thx for sharing the AAR much appreciated thank you  
  21. Like
    George MC got a reaction from 'Sapper' in Casualty expectations   
    Even doing things ‘correctly’ bad stuff still happens. I thought I’d eliminated all enemy units in this vid clip. Moved up a BIFV to dismount some guys to clear woods. A key holed unsupressed, unidentified RPG 29 team did their job. 
    sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Doing saves to eliminate poor decisions or unlucky events teaches bad habits IMO - which will bite you on the arse the first PvP game you play. 
  22. Like
    George MC got a reaction from wyskass in Casualty expectations   
    Even doing things ‘correctly’ bad stuff still happens. I thought I’d eliminated all enemy units in this vid clip. Moved up a BIFV to dismount some guys to clear woods. A key holed unsupressed, unidentified RPG 29 team did their job. 
    sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Doing saves to eliminate poor decisions or unlucky events teaches bad habits IMO - which will bite you on the arse the first PvP game you play. 
  23. Upvote
    George MC got a reaction from Halmbarte in Casualty expectations   
    Even doing things ‘correctly’ bad stuff still happens. I thought I’d eliminated all enemy units in this vid clip. Moved up a BIFV to dismount some guys to clear woods. A key holed unsupressed, unidentified RPG 29 team did their job. 
    sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Doing saves to eliminate poor decisions or unlucky events teaches bad habits IMO - which will bite you on the arse the first PvP game you play. 
  24. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Chibot Mk IX in BattlePack SPW lessons scenarios   
    on the bright side, ATR can be fired when mounted on the SPW. 🙂 Now I have a brilliant idea, I can 5 x ATR team on the SPW and turn my SPW into a fearsome large caliber Anti tank weapon station 
    The question is, where I can capture the Soviets that willing to fight on a German SPW?


  25. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Chibot Mk IX in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    Finished mission 2
    Assault into the town center turned into a very confusing close quarter battle
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