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Everything posted by rune

  1. A CNN newflash for members of the Peng Thread. Your enemy now has a face.... http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/internet/09/19/offbeat.smiley.reut/index.html Rune
  2. Amazingly, it is called Royal Opponent. I forget the exact number of King Tigers in the attack, but it is correct, as are the Russian tanks. Besides, if I do remember, won't post it anyway, don't want to have spoilers in a battle no one but beta testers have even seen. Had help from from other sources as well for this one. This is one huge scenario however, but I ran it on a 366mhz and it worked. Rune
  3. No fighter bombers, the attack was launched in morning mist, which acted like fog. Look on the CD when you get it. Rune
  4. Well, since the majority of players are in the US, I used the US system. Amazingly the world does not revolve around the Finns. Also makes more sense, the eye can skim down the row and pick year of the scenario real fast. Since there are 60 battles and 10 operations, it was a fast way of picking the year out. It will NOT be changed. Rune
  5. tero I did, and too bad. It is the way the military uses dates, 450103 for example. Dashes were put in to help non-military types. It is also a fast way to get the yet of the scenario. Rune
  6. Ummm....WWB is NOT WBW. Wyatt, aka WWB, is on the B&T team, and WBW, aka Wild Bill, is the boss man. WWB will have a book comming out called "I am not Spock...err....WBW". Rune
  7. The L-11 used many types of shrapnel and case shot. The following page lists them all: http://www.battlefield.ru/guns/defin_4.html Rune
  8. There are no registery settings for either Combat Mission games. Rune
  9. Correction, the round is more like case shot as previous mentioned. Also from Valera: I asked Soviet tankers, they told me they didn't use shrapnel at all, while case-shot used quite often. Vets said C-S ammo was deadly for any advancing infantry, much more effective then common HE ammo. C-S ammo used mostly in defensive actions and ambushes. Mentioned shrepnel and case-shot rounds used for Soviet 76-mm field guns: F-22 F-22 USV ZIS-3 Also, case-shot round used for KV-1, KV-1S, and T-34-76 tanks: 4-8 rounds per tank Rune
  10. Here is the proof: Hi! Somebody asked me about effeciency of Soviet shrapnel rounds. Here you are some data for the Soviet 76-mm Shrapnel Round Sh-354. The round consisted of ~260 bullets, each bullet 12.7-mm calibre and weight 10.7 gramme. The effective hitting area* calculated as: width - 20 metres; deepness - depended of a height and range (see the table below): Height of explosion, m 2 5 10 16 28 Range, m 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Hitting deepness, m 300 290 280 270 260 *Note: Effective Hitting Area means 90% probability of hitting any uncovered target at given range. From Valera. It was an anti-infantry type weapon. Rune
  11. Using what parameters? You guys take into consideration what vehicles it can have, as any new ones increase the demo size. Keep it to the timeframe and with the units in the demo, and see what you can do. Rune
  12. I haven't seen this level of whining since the Great Tunguska Whine of 1908. You remember... "It wasn't a meteor, it was a comet". "Looked at what it did to the forest" "It was a uranium deposit gone bad" "What about the animals?" and of course... "Who is going to clean up this mess?" Rune
  13. Well we overwhelmed his web page. It has a nice picture of the shell and the shell cut away. Basically a timed fused shell that would explode into shrapnel [bullet?]for anti-infantry work. The shell was common in WWII and also used by North Korea in that war. Rune
  14. However, the 76mm DID have a shrapnel round. I see no problem using the cannister animation to double for the delay explosion and shrapnel. Also, 45mm and below they had the traditional cannister round. Someone posted the rounds in an earlier thread. Edited, found a nice picture of the shrapnel round. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Base/1852/AppendixA.html Rune [ September 09, 2002, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  15. And what Fishu ignores yet again is a thread where Charles and Steve both answered this. The formula is within 1mm of Hogg's book, and there is better then a 60% drop off in range. You are using a table, most likely from another source. Rune
  16. Here are 14 that were captured. http://www.achtungpanzer.com/bulpanth.htm Other units also used them in numbers like the above. Captured tanks were used by both sides. Rune
  17. Rick614 I'm pretty sure that the CMBB demo scenarios are taken from the full version. What makes you believe that it would take more time and effort to select other scenarios? Wrong. The scenarios were made for the demo. Rune
  18. Charles has replied. The figures are correct for the 37mm Pak. The figures are actually slightly under the figures given in Hogg's. Also, the 60% drop between 1000 and 2000 meters is accurate. You may be quoting Jentz, which has an error. Rune
  19. There will be no more scenarios for the demo. Rune
  20. We have been all busy. Will follow up with them today. Rune
  21. Scenarios are listed in alphabetical order. However, before I heard from you, I talked with Berli and came up with a format for scenario desc. Date, in Year, month day format [42-02-13], Region, Desc, Historical type, Points. You will understand when you get the game. Rune
  22. - all tile types from CMBO exist in CMBB This is an incorrect statement. Many changes to the map features, including elevation, terrain types, some terrain types removed, etc. Rune
  23. Hey the first double post in a long time Rune [ September 05, 2002, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  24. Lawyer, It means new mods would have to be made, the skins fron cmbo will not work with the newer models in cmbb. It also means that the "us" troops will be carrying russian weapons. As long as you don't mind that, it could be done. Rune
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