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Everything posted by rune

  1. But just like those Germans and Russians to use gamey tactics and actually use tanks in the battle. Now try the scenario against a human player. Rune
  2. and von Lauchert is alos at the time and place. Rune
  3. Guys, It would not be the scenario. If something else is happening, let madmatt know and send him the move attached in an email. Charles can then look at it, and see if it a problem or bug already fixed. Rune
  4. CMBB is a different executable then CMBO which is what Zone Alarm keys to. You may be getting the zone alarm screen, but cannot see it, I have had that happen in other games. Look in the executable section of zone alarm and enable the game, and server for it. CMBB uses the same port that CMBO did, so that should NOT have changed. Rune
  5. You have casualties turned on. Keep units at 100% and you will get everything you purchased. Rune
  6. Are you running anything like zone alarm or any type of firewall? Rune
  7. Thank ye. I had a lot of fun creating that one, but not as much trying to get material on the real battle. Rune
  8. then that may be the default start position. Rune
  9. If you got flanked, the AI did it all on its own. Rune Try try again....
  10. Thank ye. That one was fun and the play testers loved it. this was the one where the unspotted {fill in the blank] killed so many [fill in the blank] without ever getting spotted. Rune
  11. Should be in the tech forum, but most likely is due to the nvidia driver you have. What driver are you running? I use the 30.82 and do not have a problem. Rune
  12. Should be in the tech forum, but most likely is due to the nvidia driver you have. What driver are you running? I use the 30.82 and do not have a problem. Rune
  13. Markus, no it will NOT help. Zarquon, yes, that "trick" amongst others are used. Rune
  14. Becket, No problem Sir. As you know, polys are only part of the problem. You can kill a scenario real easy by putting a lot of smoke out there. When I talked with Berli about his scenario, at first it was not going to go on the CD. However, I liked it, and we had talked about it [there is a scenario on a fight in just a couple of the buildings that I had done first], and when I got permission to go beyond the original 50 scenarios, I knew I had to have this one from Berli. Yes, it is a hog, and it pushes the max, but in a year or two, when hardware is even more faster, it will be what I use for a guide. Nvidia already announced new chips, and Intel says 3 gigahertz by the end of the year. Someday I will upgrade and see how it runs. Enjoy the game... Rune
  15. WWB is correct, even if it pains me to say that. While in other games polys are "forgotten" when not in view, this cannot be the case with CMBO/CMBB. We had this same discussion when CMBO was first released, and it hasn't changed. Dan can give the actual amount of polys per unit, but To the Volga pushes the poly count big time. All the polys have to stay in order for the different views. I went back and found this among other messages: ALL OF THE ABOVE Let's forget frame rates for a sec and only look at between turn calculations. The two are quite different. The worst CPU killer is the number of potential tiles (any type) on a map. If you took our current game engine and made a 10k x 10k map the game would grind to a halt. Same if you took a normal sized 2000m x 1000m map and made the über tiles 10m x 10m. The more tiles you have on the map the more load on the CPU to figure out something like LOS or how to move from A to B. The 20x20m tiles are used to make computational assumptions which save loads of CPU time without sacrificing accuracy. I don't know the specifics, and don't want to , but I do understand the basic concept. Because of the assumptions we can simulate larger maps with larger über tiles. If we made the über tiles 50m x 50m we could make even larger maps, but we would also have to bump up the subtiles from 2m x 2m to a larger size as well, since they also count against CPU cycles. The more variety of terrain TYPES increases the load on the CPU to some extent, but not that bad. Mostly terrain types require more coding and VRAM to support rather than actual cycles to simulate. However, an exception is something like the house anywhere in the square does have a huge effect on CPU requirements. This is because it removes the ability to make assumptions. Now, in terms of frame rate, the more terrain types you have doesn't mean a great hit on the 3D card and CPU. However, the more bumps and curves you have in the terrain mesh, the more polygons are needed, which means the slower the game will run graphically. Some terrain type's graphics also require more polygons, like woods compared to open ground, so they can cause higher hardware demands. And every doodad you add on the map requires polygons, so one telephone pole might take 22 polygons to make look good. Now multiply that by 50 or 60 telephone poles and you can understand why we left them out Sure, we could have put them in, but then something else would have to come out. The ability for the computer to handle polygons is finite. You can do tricks to reduce the polygons being drawn (and we are doing LOTS of tricks), but you really do anything to make the computer draw more and draw faster without hacking the hardware (or so I understand). Because of this we have to be VERY careful to not put in too many things that require too many polygons. And then we have to stick units in on top of this don't forget! And they are VERY demanding... As for VRAM... Every thing you can possibly see in a single scenario has a texture loaded into VRAM (exception are lines, like the LOS, which just use a SOLID color). So, if you add a boulder terrain type you have to have boulder graphics. These are stored into VRAM. The pixel size of the graphics determines how much VRAM is used up. The more graphics that are in a scenario (not just on the screen at once) the more VRAM is used. Also the higher the resolution of the graphics, the more VRAM is used. I could make a 16x16 pixel boulder or something like a 128x128 one. The more pixels the better looking it is in the game. Unfortunately, the more VRAM it sucks up. So you have to be careful to balance quality with usage. So the more terrain we have available, the more terrain will be in each scenario, the more VRAM is used up. Some terrain is really inexpesive (like the wall texture) while others are horrible (roads are the worst). And there has to be different tiles to add variety sometimes, like the open ground and multiple tree types. On top of this you have units, vehicles, weapons, smoke, fire, UI graphics, etc. All of this ALSO has to go into VRAM. The only bright side to this is that you only need to have the texture loaded in ONCE. So if you have 16 tree graphics you can have 1000000000000s of trees without hitting up VRAM for anything else. But of course each new tree hits the CPU and 3D card for drawing power. So there are practical limitations. Having a smaller terrain scale does not necessarily mean a greater usage of VRAM. BUT, the more variety you have does. So in theory we can shrink the current über tiles down to 2m x 2m without taking up any more VRAM, but adding something like telephone poles would, no matter what the scale. But of course the CPU would raise some objections with both The end point here is that the more stuff you put into the game, the more it causes a burdon on the hardware. Although some elements come cheaply, nothing comes for free. We have way more candidates for inclusion than the hardware has power and/or capacity to support. Therefore, somethings will have to sit and wait until hardware improves Believe me or not, up to you. Rune [ September 26, 2002, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  16. You would be wrong. The terrain, the amount of units, and the shellholes all push that battle more then any BF1942 battle. Rune
  17. Nope. You can play by email or enter the opponents tcp/ip address. You can find people here in the opponents forum or on the chat system, where there is almost always someone looking for a game. Rune
  18. If it doesn't say radio, then they are also laying the wire to their new position. Rune
  19. You have an older version of the GeForce Drivers. Get the 30.82 and it should take care of it for you. Rune
  20. Thanks, Berli and I came up with that system. Everything you need at a glance right there. If it isn't marked historical or Fictional, then it means it is semi-historical, which are the majority of scenarios. Finding exact maps or OOBs are a lot more difficult on the Eastern Front. Rune
  21. Nippy, You will be happy to know that I made a scenario on the counter attack that retook the Tatsinskya Airfield. It is in testing now. Rune
  22. Some some guy tells you in a store, and you take his word without even trying to play the game with it enabled, yet, it is BFC's fault. Try playing with it on. Port forward 7023 to go to your computer. Rune [ September 20, 2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
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