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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. You definitly want to pay attention to the terrain and ground conditions. The AI will tend to tire his troups out if either are too bad. One thing I have also found is that if you have the initial placement fairly spread out then the AI will tend to try and gather everyone together before advancing unless he makes contact first.
  2. Yeah, I think it is my card it doesn't occur all the time. Actually it only seems to occur when there is snowy terrain in the battle. Wierd. I think my machine is on its last legs. Now I just have to talk the wife into buying a new one.
  3. Ok, how do I get a PBEM game going. I have been playing since CMBO first came out and am tired of killing AI tanks. Someone help me out.
  4. I had the same problem in a premade scenario. I ended up with about half my tanks ahead of the FLOT with no zone around them. As with yours I did have the option of moving them back into "my" territory.
  5. But remember, the embargo is so much more humane than a war . As much as we may not like to admit it there are still times where you have to be willing to beat those plowshears back into swords.
  6. Thank god someone else has the ampoulet problem. I was beginning to curse my computer. Does anyone else have problems with wierd buzzing noises (in the game not with life in general )?
  7. If you are going to use them for recon duty I prefer the ACs because you can get more of them. If you are going to try to have them play a role in the main battle you will want the Puma (which can kill Shermans) or the Stuart (because of its better survivability).
  8. That is also why it is SOP for soldiers to cut commo wire that they find in enemy territory.
  9. If you can get them the army put out a series of books on the German tactics on the Eastern Front. They were intended to help NATO commanders fight the Warsaw Pact. They have titles like "German Defense Tactics Against Russian Breakthroughs," and "Military Improvisations During The Russian Campaign." They have some decent maps and are pretty informative.
  10. Maybe there was no one for you to surrender to.
  11. The handle didn't really improve range but many soldiers felt it imporved accuracy. One complaint our guys had in Western Europe was that our grenades put out too much shrapnel. The Germans were able to throw theirs closer to their position and so it was a better assault grenade.
  12. Just thinking outloud. I would like some sort of Ubereditor so you could do lots of "what if's."
  13. If you are sitting at the bottom of a hole then the 20mm is more likely to get you with fragmentation than the 50 is with a lucky ricochet. Plus the sound of 20mm rounds exploding all around your hole will drive you nuts.
  14. Remember that the leaders of the "Classless" Red Army trusted their soldiers about as much as Stalin trusted his Generals. Many Soviet shortages were self inflicted because it was felt that the soldiers couldn't handle the new weapons.
  15. Of all the weapons the army fields I have always loved the good old Ma Duce. For ease of operation, ruggedness, and accuracy you just can't beat it.
  16. Hey BFC any chance of a modern CM? Road to Bagdad seems a possible title.
  17. Old Winnie had his faults but would you have wanted to fight him? He had exactly what Hitler lacked, common sense.
  18. Sometimes I think that Stalin was so desperate to have the Soviet Union recognized as a great nation that he was able to convince himself that Hitler was really his friend. Even so it is hard to understand his actions between Poland and Barbarossa.
  19. During the Battle of the Bulge an American private grabbed a Bazooka and ran out into the street to engage a Panther. The round hit under the mantlet and penetrated the drivers compartment destroying the tank. Best of all the kid survived. Once you decided something must be done you kind of get the attitude that you are already dead so you might as well make a difference.
  20. You mentioned the Tank's primary advantage, mobility. The successful use of PAKs depends on either luck if you are trying to go head to head or properly shaping the engagement area. For the PAKs to stand a chance they need to be able to fire without being seen. You will find that they become much more effective if you can force the enemy to button up before you engage with your PAKs. Try using small arms to distract the tanks before you try for a killing shot. Or you could try to use the Russian tactic of the PAK front and group 3 to 5 guns to fire on the same LOS at the same target. Making PAKs survivable is difficult but worth it if you can figure it out.
  21. It is also revealing that the "Five Year Plans" were designed to prepare the Soviet Union for the coming conflict with the West.
  22. Still play the both because CMBO spoiled me for other war games (Just can't get into turn based or RTS anymore). Plus I am still trying to perfect my Battle of Hosingen Operation. Need to upgrade my machine so I can start playing the Stalingrad operations. [ December 27, 2002, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  23. Well stated C.A. I have always been of the opinion that the Allies' greatest weapon was Hitler. Thank god Churchill wasn't German.
  24. The DU rounds of the M1 become incendiary on impact. Usually the only time the turret will go flying is with a large calibur hit at or near the turret ring. There are lots of films of this happening because it is cool to watch so those pictures get saved more than just a regular hit. Most tanks will die due to internal damage and fire. When a tank dies, usually the only way to tell is that it stops moving and shooting at you. I've seen armored vehicles that have been taken out by various weapons and most of the time all you see on the outside is a relatively small hole. Inside, however, is another story. I saw a BMP that took an AP round in the driver's compartment. The round left a whole about as big around as your thumb on the outside but on the inside the compartment looked like swiss cheese. Because most of the force is directed into the tank there isn't a large splash radius even with HEAT rounds. Infantry working with tanks normally stay at least 10 meters away as tankers tend to get excited when they get shot at and don't always tell the grunts where they are driving. Personally I think the vehicle death scenes in BB are much better than BO. BO gave you a little too much immediate feedback. Note to RSColonel: During the Gulf War one of our M1s got stuck in the sand and so the company decided to destroy it because recovery assets were too far away. They hit the ammo and all it did was pop the blow out pannels on the top of the turret. They hit the engine but the Halon system kept putting out any fires. When recovery assets did get there they found that there were no major penetrations and they were able to replace the engine and the blowout panels and have the tank battle worthy within a day. Modern tanks, Western ones at least, are so compartmentalized that it really takes a lot to kill them. I had a buddy who was a tank commander in Iraq and while he was buttoned up trying to find something on his map he felt his tank rock slightly from side to side. He thought someone had run into him and popped out to give them hell only to see an Iraqi T-72 firing at them from within 1000 meters! [ December 27, 2002, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
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