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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Don't count too much on mortars though. They eat their ammo way to fast. MGs are the best area suppression weapon (this coming from an old machine gunner ).
  2. A question of command. Every enlisted mans dream. Two German vs. Two Soviet infantry battalions. Only HQ units used. No ammo, at night, deep snow, everyone fatigued(to simulate age). Mudding for the Fatherland. Huge map. Completely flat. Deep mud. One VL in center. Two battalions of trucks for each side. You get the picture.
  3. Yes, even though they were incapable of airborne missions (just look at what happened to them in the Bulge) they were still well trained with a high esprit d'Corps. Once units get a distinctive item of equipment they are often loath to give them up. Even arguments about the benefits of the regular helmet wouldn't do much to persuade them especially since many soldiers choose not to wear their helmets in any case (resulting in nearly twice as many head wounds for German and British (who also went unclad) as for Americans (where it was more strictly enforced)). It was a badge of honor to them and a connection with their past glory.
  4. I have gotten good results with my tank hunters. In fact it seems they sometimes throw too many AT grenades or what not. I have noticed though that my pioneers only seem to want to throw HE when they are INSIDE a building. I don't know how many times I have seen a building suddenly explode and then re-run it just to see my guys turn into suicide bombers. :mad:
  5. Muzzle flash is pretty over rated. Most guns don't have nearly the signature you would expect, and the signature they do have dissapates pretty quickly.
  6. Obviously they figured out how to kill them or the whole thing would have been over in '41. It is interesting to contrast these reports with those of only being able to kill 34s with shots to the engine covers from above. Makes one wonder.
  7. I've fallen and I can't get up! Don't worry FAQ, help is on the way. [bump] [ January 11, 2003, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  8. Hitler's creation of the new VG divisions really ticked the old VG units off. The reason was that the title originally had to be earned and so was a mark of pride.
  9. I think the movement delay vs firing reflects the fact that it is harder for the TC to kick the driver to wake him up than the gunner. I used to carry what I called my "emergency communication facilitator." It was a big stick so I could whack my driver if he was ignoring me on the intercom. [ January 11, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  10. A definite possibility considering the Navy was the most resistant to the influence of Naziism.
  11. coe I think you could build in the delay by not allowing you to target the unit until the firing unit has spotted the target itself. When you try you would get the message "target not spotted" or something to that effect. It would just be a variation on the "out of range" or "los blocked" routine. You would still be able to area fire, which would reflect the fact that it is easier to give general rather than specific directions.
  12. I think the bmp file for it is missing. I had this problem with other textures while installing and that was the problem then.
  13. You may leave the area faster but you greatly increase your odds of running into a bad patch of ground while greatly reducing your time to deal with it. Combat speed in an AFV is a bone jarring experience. The faster you go the harder it is for that poor kid in the driver's hole to see much of anything.
  14. I agree that there needs to be some way of simulating the delay in passing information. Even today it is hard for tanks and infantry to talk as both are usually on their own frequency which may or may not be known to the other. Now imagine the situation in WWII were the frequency of the radios was often changed by changing the crystals of the radio itself. This often ruled out direct radio contact between the tanks and the grunts. To make up for this most tanks had an intercom that people on the ground could use to communicate with the crew but it would still take time to get someone to the tank and then to get the crew on the phone. I realize that the borg spotting is for the player's benifit because we have a god like presense on the battlefield but it does give the units some unrealistic abilities. It would be more realistic to show enemy units and allow you to click on them to see who can spot them, much as you can tell who is shooting at them. The more units spotting an enemy, especially within the same platoon, would increase everyone's chances of spotting but not make it automatic. I know this would take a pretty hefty rewrite but I do believe it is something worth pursuing. The change would have to be noted though or you will get gripes about "Hey! How come my tank couldn't target that AT gun when it had a clear LOS?" Looks like you guys will have to tighten the code for the next engine or use 2 CDs. For what its worth I have had AT guns last quite a while and get loads of kills even in a target rich environment. One key seems to be having other units to distract the enemy. If you think about it though this is not that far off from RL. I really have no major gripes about the system now but we can always strive for perfection. So far you guy have gotten a lot closer than anyone else out there.
  15. I would play CMBB with units that looked like old board games if they would spend that kind of money on the AI.
  16. Of course not. In the Peng thread one only finds the most intellectual and courtious of discussions accompanied by helpful and polite comentary.
  17. The fact that you did notice fills me with happiness, or revulsion, I'm not sure which. Hear that? Its the winds of change. [Edited to make the following posts pointless. ] [ January 11, 2003, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  18. I think only about 5 Ferdinands made it out of Kursk alive. Porsche also designed the original turret for the King Tiger. The made about 50 before switching to the final design. I don't think Rommel would have done appreciably better. He was good at wideopen manuever warfare but tended to falter when trying to crack strong defensive positions.
  19. Too bad the computer can't play itself. Then it would be possible to get more objective data.
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