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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Steve, Matt, et al... This is a restart of the strange turning behavior thread. Basically several of us have noticed an alarming tendency for vehicles to begin to orbit the final waypoint on some movement orders, usually involving sharp turns. This occurs regardless of the movement type and some tests have resulted in vehicles turning for nearly a full extra turn after reaching their desitination. We would appreciate any official comment on this issue. Thanks James Goodman
  2. Then to that you have to add the Soviet desire for secrecy that precluded any large publicity campaign until recently. It is also a matter of where the focus of the national mythology is. In France, the Army was in disgrace after their no show in '40. About the only thing they had to show their commitment to the struggle against Naziism was the resistance. The need to glorify the resistance also grew from the national guilt over their massive collaboration during the war. The result was that the only way to make any claim to being part of the fight was to claim to be part of the resistance. Every year the museums in France bump up the contributions made by the resistance (which were very small until D-day) and within the next decade the story of the Normandy invasions will be one of a small force of Allied forces (mostly Free French) supplying support and weapons to hundreds of thousands of resistance fighters who then expelled the Germans. In Russia the mythology of WWII was focused on the Red Army and so there was less incentive to claim to be a partisan. Here one must not forget that soldiers who were cut off and became partisans were not welcomed back with open arms and many were arrested and shot for allowing themselves to become cut off in the first place. The safer place to be or to claim to be was with the Red Army. I suspect that there may be a growing willingness now to admit to being a partisan but I don't expect a ground swell as we see in France. As far as famous divisions, I one must remember that a Soviet Division during the war was about half the size of a comparable American or German one. More public recognition was given to the Corps level and up.
  3. I don't know, would you lie about your job and claim to be a *shudder* banker. The whole porn thing is probably just a hobby.
  4. Lt Hortlund Tell your miscreants to stop firing wildly about the place, someone might get hurt! It would appear that the silly Swede has decided to compensate for his lack of skill by shooting at everything on the map. I thought I heard the rumblings of doom earlier in the thread but it must have been gas.
  5. I'm not sure about the game but Real Life a properly dug foxhole is usually harder to see than the same two guys just trying to hide in that same spot. If you build them right they blend into the terrain behind them. Of course whether or not the engine digs proper foxholes is beyond me. [ January 15, 2003, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  6. The eternal question isn't it. Are ethics ever really anything but our best interests? Do we have a moral obligation to everyone or only those who can benefit us in some way? Even though it has mostly become a tool of misinformation and half truths at least the worldwide nature of the media has started people asking these kinds of questions. Not much is being done to find any answers but at least it is a start.
  7. Well maybe now that the plumping is fixed he can do something about his pipes. First finish this thing though, I'm starting to get the DTs. Once more with feeling... GRRRRRRRR!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Or maybe a "de-constructionesque" air. Actually when I first saw it I thought it was something from Warhammer 40K. [ January 15, 2003, 03:19 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  9. ...he once spent with a family of ill tempered Koalas. A shudder came over him as he remembered...
  10. Great pics but what the @#$% was that thing for? It's too big for cammo netting and it doesn't look like it helps hold it on. Come on man tell me!!
  11. Ok, we need to get MG in the mood so he will finish this thing. All together now! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. *groveling on knees and desperately grasping at the hem of Mace's garment* please m'lord *whimper* forgive my wicked tounge. i beg of you permission *grovel grovel* to bang my head against the floor until forgiven.
  13. You should also put some white on the TC. That paste you use to "winterize" a track gets absolutly everywhere.
  14. I have drilled troops and yes it does give the men a sense of pride when done well. notalex Thank you for the b-day wishes. BTW, I wouldn't even advocate sending an enemy to the peng thread. I think there is something in the Constitution about that. I think it is interesting how many people sound off about the immorality of war but remain curiously silent about the things that are allowed to happen just to avoid one. At least a soldier has some chance to decide his own fate. Allowing a country to slaughter its population while we stand by and preach about the virtues of not getting involved is not only unethical but disgusting.
  15. I don't think you can make a map big enough to field one of those things. Kind of reminds me of the transporter for the Space Shuttle.
  16. MrSpkr You have obviously mistaken me for another member of this thread. I HAVE read your rules and I HAVE read past threads where such wonderful traditions endure such as asking someone which ball they are scheduled to lick. This, of course, is in addition to endless pages of "Dude where's my turn?" I have come fully appreciating the spirit of the thread and have answered taunt for taunt. I have also happily issued and taken up challenges with no regard to the conditions but simply because the gauntlet has been thrown down. I have never responded with crude references to bodily functions or base language but have tried to add a little venom to my words. While they may not match the wit of the examples I have sighted I have never given in to petulant rantings about how I think everyone else should respect me. I have presented the members of the thread with a willing and able target for challenges of both games and wit and have answered those challenges in the spirit in which they were given. If you cannot or will not respond to my words in a like spirit then ignore them rather than hiding behind tradition or labeling me a destroyer of all the MBT represents. James Goodman
  17. The SSNs are the only thing keeping this thread alive. Were it not for us it would consist of 3 pages of the Olde Ones blathering incoherantly about bringing back some former master in the vain hope of looking lucid. You know if you all go in together for Depends you could probably get a group rate. I see that Lt Hortlund is already trying to explain his inevitable defeat. No matter, all glory will be mine even if you are robbing gradeschools for your crews.
  18. Immediatly followed by some grizzled squad leader yelling, "Put those damn things out, you trying to get us killed?!!" Ah the life of an NCO.
  19. Notice the use of the word "official" rather than real. 1st Army was luck, granted, but was still real, while 3rd did it just to tick off the Brits before Monty could officially cross it and try to steal all the press. We're doing it again and I swore not to be a part of it. You guys are a bad influence.
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