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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. You don't feel the hammer but man your neck hurts. Getting back to the question: The crew really can't tell a lot just from the sound of a glancing blow. They can tell if they have been hit by something serious as opposed to small arms but not whether or not something is broken. Basically you either hear a big bong or a loud crash and then try to find out what is still working or try to get out as quickly as possible or find out if there is an afterlife. Just a quick note, most tankers who are killed in battle are burned to death, not something they put in the recruiting posters.
  2. That's because KW drivers were always in the rear. You know what chick magnets those "Things" were.
  3. According to my grandfather it kind of sounded like someone whacking the tank with a sledge and then things just stopped working. He was in an M3 Stuart through Africa and Italy and had one shot out from under him at Kaserine (his description of the battle was, "We were moving out and then there were a couple explosions and a lot of dust and when things settled down his entire company was knocked out."). His tank got hit in the engine. I guess a hit to the turret would be a lot more, ahem, exciting. Turning the "Way Back" forward we come to Desert Storm an a buddy I served with who was a tanker in the last Iraqi war. He said that he and his crew were buttoned up trying to figure out exactly where they were when he heard a "bong!" and felt the tank shake. Thinking that someone had run into him he popped out to yell at them and noticed a T72 at 500m getting ready to fire again. He screamed at his gunner and they killed the Iraqi. When they looked at the hit they figured it was from a heat round as the steel had been punctured and there was a large blast mark. Those are the only ones I have personal knowledge of. Accounts I have read tell of the turret of a Sherman being filled with a loud bang and then smoke, burning cherry juice and a mad scramble for the exit.
  4. BFC please lock this up before someone makes a mistake and tries to give this moron a serious answer. BTW it doesn't say much for your thought process when you admit to stealing a product to the people who made it, on their own board, when they know where you are.
  5. Call for Sturm Tiger, call for Mr. Sturm Tiger. Would a Mr. Sturm Tiger please pick up a red discourtesy phone? Because it needs to be said: GRRRRRRRR :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. Wait, I see something, . , ? ! ; : Someone seems to have dropped their punctuation. There seem to be a bunch of capital letters laying around here as well. Ok, where the hell is everyone. Are no other fluffets brave enough to test the depths of the pool. For shame. Where's the pride, the passion? Is our sole representative to be this barely verbal miscreant with the hots for Lars? Winter winds blow soft Strange postings come from the east A ruffled shirt falls.
  7. Hey, Grue has someone in kicking position. Quick prepare the landing zone. *Sgtgoody and several other fluffets begin setting up spikes and broken glass*
  8. This has the same poetic feel of Homer's hatred for Ned Flanders. Truely a thing of beauty.
  9. Well you know Charlesis probably too busy saying "Ok Steve, your turn now. Hello...hello, uh Steve?"
  10. Wow, you guys are doing some great work here. What I am working on is something simple that you can print out and have availible to consult while buying forces for a QB or a Scenario. Looks like our combined efforts will pretty much cover everything you could ask for. Thanks for the info guys.
  11. MG Have I found the scenario for you. If you haven't gotten Rune's "Clash of Titans II" then you need to do so. Heavy metal and the ultimate TNT chucker. Oh yeah, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Mom, Gotta type fast. I think they are coming for me again. Just the other day I saw a.......
  13. I would also extend this to the first turn that a unit enters the map as a reinforcement. It would give them more of a continuous motion rather than just seeming to appear and then saying "Hello what do we do now."
  14. More movement options. As it is everyone is either bebopping through the woods or running or crawling. Real infantry are capable of walking while keeping security.
  15. *scene* Somewhere just outside the MBT. Sgtgoody (peeking above lip of a ditch): Looks like things are settling down. Some other fluffy: Are you sure? Things looked pretty bad for a while. I was almost trampled by a party looking for that Justicar fellow. Sgtgoody: Yeah, it looks safe enough to go ba...wait, who is that moron? S.o.f: I don't know but I can barely understand a word he says. Seems to be poking the Olde Ones with a stick though. Sgtgoody: That bloody idiot! He'll get us all killed! Back in the ditch!!! (Several heads quickly duck back out of sight) [ February 04, 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  16. Something downloadable. I have found some with gun and armor data in excel format but I am planning to make a complete one with speed, ground pressure, special notes. Guess I'll just make one for myself and then put it out there for anyone else who might need it.
  17. Is there a comprehensive database for BB? I am thinking of creating one if there isn't but I don't want to do a ton of work just to have someone tell me, "hey you should just go here." What I mean by comprehensive is one with the data for all the vehicles (speed, penetration, armor, etc.). If there isn't one let me know and I will get started.
  18. Leutnant Hortlund (bolded because I am a mere fluffy (well not mere, actually I am quite a good fluffy, an uberfluffy if you will, perhaps even king of the fluffets!)) Are you pining for your old girlfriend again? [ February 04, 2003, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  19. Status report: The Beast v Ivan_RU: up and running Debrecen v Sgt_Kelly: up Xmas Battle v Bullit: up Rear Guard v PBIman: up No word yet from Barrage for Hosszupalyi Let the good times roll.
  20. The big problem most new players run into is the fact that Russian armor has a much higher degree of specialization than German. While the Germans had to make most of their armor capable of defeating Russian tanks the Russians were able to crank out tons of decent tanks and so could also produce large numbers of more traditional infantry support vehicles, i.e. the big SUs (SUVs? ). While these look impressive with their 122 and 152mm cannon you have to realize that these are low MV and not suited for AT combat. It may take some time but one of the best things you can do to help yourself is to try to become familiar with the various vehicles on each side. Look at their muzzle velocities and the types of cannon. Look at the types of optics, the speed and ground pressure. Any knowledge you gain off the battlefield will only help you on it. Like I said, however, this will take time as there is no real comprehensive database (hopefully this will be included in the next game's manual) so you will have to play around with QBs and the scenario editor. The end result will be well worth it though. As for immediate tactics the previous points are very helpful. I would add that it almost never pays to take on the Germans (especially the big cats) at long range even in a good tank, thier optics give them a tremendous advantage. Look for areas where you can assume a reverse slope or where terrain will force then to come at you one at a time and then you can gang fire them. One last thing, yes the term "keyhole" is kind of semi official military jargon. You won't find it in the manuals but everyone uses it.
  21. I think there definitly needs to be a historic weather option to allow the designer to lock the weather to whatever conditions were present in the actual fight. Changing weather can make some good twists in a battle but it would be nice to know that you will face the same conditions that the real commanders did. I made a Bulge operation for CMBO and ended up with the ground freezing in the second battle which allowed the German armor to flood through cross country. Neat but kind of frustrating when you are trying to recreate an actual situation.
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