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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Ah well, Bucket, someone had to take out the trash. Don't go getting big headed just because your little tiggers are coming to play. They will soon be declawed. Grrrrrr :mad: :mad: :mad: [ February 09, 2003, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  2. Here I was about the defend the honor of the Guiness Brewery. What a shock. Still the links look interesting. Thanks.
  3. I had problems with this back in CMBO and it turned out to be my drivers. Havn't had any problem since.
  4. I think those are just for long distance calls to the Swiss. [Edited because Denise asked me to.] [ February 08, 2003, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  5. Since you seem to have blown what chance you did have (she's using the old "coffee" gambit) with this new flame (she was real wasn't she) you have time to ponder your loss while you send me a turn.
  6. Thank you, oh thank you MrSpkr your lordship. It is so much nicer here than with the infidel. *sniff* Doesn't smell any better though.
  7. I think when taken as a package I would have to go with the Brits. They have enough heavy hitting armor to take on the Uberpanzers and their infantry is comparable to the Americans. Plus I just love those cereal bowl helmets. If we could shift some PIATs or zookas to the Eastern front, however, I would have to go with the Russians. Nothing like hoards of hard hitting tanks.
  8. Tell me about it. I had a PBEM and ended up losing nearly a third of my force as casualties. Including the vehicles I was really counting on.
  9. Meeks rightwise king of the beloved Pool I beseach thee make me a serf so that I may join everyone in Coventry. Your humble servant. By the way there is a little something on your boot, just there by the heal.
  10. Here's one. While playing one of rune's scenarios I close assaulted a Soviet infantry squad. No big deal. When I went back at the end of the movie there was the eliminated squad and my squad was targeting an "Abandoned Rifle." What's next, "dropped lunchbox" or "empty shell casings." Talk about detail.
  11. Jussi: He does seem rather a strange one to be accusing anyone of disgracing something. Must be nice to live in your own fantasy world all the time. It so improves your own sense of self importance.
  12. Unfortunatly the powers that be do not agree with your higher sense of worth. So in effect this makes you the one out of place here. One other point, quoting someone else's entire post because you lack the wit for your own doesn't do much to show off that higher intellect you so clearly wish you had.
  13. Gentlemen, what you see before you is a perfect example of what is commonly known as the small minded twit. They are truely an amazing species in their powers of self delusion and inflated sense of importance. Notice if you will the urge to tell people that they should not be allowed to be somewhere that he himself has entered. Also pay attention to the incredibly small ego and the need to insure that people who insist on doing things he thinks are bad are stopped. Truely a pathetic species but unfortunatly a prolific one. (In case your higher culture has made it impossible for you to find the subtlety of this post I will put it more bluntly. You came here of your own free will Bone_Vulture, you were not invited. If you don't like what you find then leave. Last I checked there were at 7 other threads for you to annoy people in. Please feel free to bestow some of your culture on them.) [ February 07, 2003, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  14. I would try if I had a better machine and a longer life expectancy. I can't even play that thing against the AI.
  15. How big you talking here? Battle of Berlin big, Barbarrosa, ETO? Details man.
  16. Is anyone working on a pack of captured German stuff?
  17. It would be nice to have your spotter actually walk rounds. They could add wav files to have them make corrections till that blessed call of "Drop five-zero, Fire for effect, over." [ February 07, 2003, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  18. This is why you would have to have the platoon HQ be the link to the CO. The handheld radios were indeed rare compared to today but every Lt. had an RTO with him. The handheld models were for squads and outposts. Today individual Squadleaders can call for fire but the lowest this would have gone in WWII would have been the platoon level.
  19. That would be a great mod. If you have ever seen mortars getting set up it is one of the funniest things in the military. Ask a mortarman about the chicken dance the section leader does while placing the aiming stakes. The idea that mortars would ever just start lobbing rounds without a call for fire from a spotter, in this case an HQ with commo, is at best missinformed. My only complaint is how near the mortar has to be. It is fine when using things like the 50mm but once you move to 81s and above the LOS of the spotting unit is often within the minimum range of the mortar. I think a better system for mortars would be to have the plt hqs be in commo with the company HQ which would be in contact with the Mortars. This would allow the mortars to fire on targets that the Platoons can see without having to be part of the platoon and better reflects the actual situation.
  20. I'm not sure of the mechanics but I think the AI tries to give every unit its own space. If units are too close together at the end of a battle then it tends to move them around. Yeah it can be kind of annoying.
  21. As long as we are venting: Why is it that you can drop three batteries of 150 arty on an enemy half track and he will just laugh at you while the one round that goes astray and hits your own lines will always land on top of one of your tanks. Aaaarrrgh!!!
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