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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. No words Jeff just best wishes. The point of the spear is useless without the shaft. Thank him for all he and his mates accomplished.
  2. Sir Apple Jelly I humbly point you to my home page (you can click on the little house thingy on this post) for a pic of me on a good day. You don't want to see me out of sorts. And now for something completely different... All games have been thrown into a bit of a quandry because of the recent patch but there is some progress being made. Sir Apricot Jam has tricked me into playing one of his creations. Forrest, mines, and shrecks. Nevertheless I shall crush him. Squire Lemoncrabs has just spent the entire yearly budget of the Red Army on mortars for his opening bombardment. To no avail as I shall crush him as well. Lt. Heartthrob has actually set up his forces on another map and has offered my heroic warriors no resistance as we crush him. Sir Nightstand has managed to move our battle from the eastern front to a large pool table with some lego blocks in the middle. A waste of effort as it turns out for I shall still crush him. Last and surely least Tonkablob has yet to respond to my challenge (actually that would be he has failed to follow up on his own challenge) and seems to have dissappeared in a puff of hot air. [edited to keep Denise Richards from noticing Hortland] [ February 12, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  3. The whole point of the game is to let you know what was out there and what it could do. The whole thing is a what if. If you want to stay historic, remember that even the rarest vehicles were used somewhere (with a few exceptions). While sending in a company of Sturmtigers might be pushing it, a company of King Tigers might not have been common but they did exist.
  4. I guess that is one nice thing about working for Uncle Sugar, I get to order the U.S. version. So far all I have done is download it so I would have to say I love the size of the file.
  5. Ok, good advice all around, but what happens if the players in a PBEM don't have the same version? I have several going and so far only one has told me their status.
  6. So Lt. Hortlund did you try to dazzel her with your knowledge of Russian armor tactics or copywrite law, or did you just forget to bath again?
  7. Also don't forget that the figures you see on the board don't show exactly where the squad members are. It is possible that someone was close enough to chuck a grenade at the AC. Just a guess.
  8. Hey I still have mine as well. I used to love that game.
  9. Going back to bridges. Light and medium bridges are easy to take out with a coupls of Pioneer squads. Heavy bridges are an order of magnitude harder. I have run tests with an entire platoon throwing charges without doing anything to it. I was finally able to destroy it with two or three shots apiece from about 10 Sturmtigers. Needless to say it just isn't something you are going to be able to accomplish in a normal game. [ February 11, 2003, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  10. Though it pains me to soil my computer with mail from either of you, turns are out and the challenge has been sent. Sir AJ As I progress through this monstrosity of yours one question comes to mind, "What was he smoking?" Konrad Perhaps you should seek high ground for this challenge. I would hate for the Dutch to have to make any more dikes (down Bauhaus spelled with an i not a y) to contain your tears. Oh yes there will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth. TikiBob remains in hiding rather than respond to my challenge. Show some spine man. We have seen your want of wit, show us not your pusillanimity. Stand erect (Bauhaus please I am trying to be intimidating here) and seize the bull by the (man that is just wrong...) horns. Lt. Hortlund End your sulking for your failed attempt at romance and resume the fight. My heroic troops long to crush you into your own trenches. Sir Nidan The setup file decided it wasn't worth its time and so returned home laughing. I sent them back with strict orders to see it through even though we all know that I shall crush you like a grape. Field of battle set Brave troops move to destruction I shall crush you all [ February 11, 2003, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  11. What effect will the 1.02 patch have on games in progress? Will everyone have to get it or will no one be able to get it? Figured I should ask since it is supposed to come out tomorrow.
  12. Sir Outie Giraffe Tell that miscreant squire of yours to get off his butt if he is going to challenge me. If not he should throw himself at your feet and admit his cowardice.
  13. I guess that is why the medium map I am playing on with 5000 points is so freaken big. Thanks for the info.
  14. Congratulations Tikibob on being the proud owner of Richmond's only computer. Send me a setup so you can let someone else have a turn. (1500 to 2000 points everything else random you pick sides)
  15. Sir Nidan the game is afoot, or at least smells like one. Can we get some "Stickups" in here or something. The hat is only for dealing with New Yorkers, it seems to calm them.
  16. Narsil broke during a PBEM, shouldn't I be able to reforge it into Anduril with my Elven Smith unit. They did it in the book. Actually I'm still pulling for that UberCM that allows you to play the entire ETO including the Med.
  17. If anyone has had trouble getting through to me I have just fixed some issues with my email. (Can someone explain to me what kind of ^*$&^(@&^#! email service counts your trash as part of your account but doesn't empty it?!!) If my netscape address is acting up please feel free to use my hotmail address from my profile.
  18. Sir Nidan To avoid the inevitable cries of "unfair, unfair" I leave the details of our duel to you. Give me the specs and I shall pick up the gauntlet which you have thrown upon the ground. Damn it, what did it land in? That is really disgusting.
  19. Sometimes I think the Pioneers save their HE for more engineering type things, no real basis, just a hunch. What I just love is when they are in close combat in a building and blow the whole thing up by chucking HE. :mad:
  20. Yes, used properly the zook could kill any tank. Even from the front it could get lucky against the big cats. If I can use the terrain I actually prefer to sic my zooks after them.
  21. Thanks for the interest everyone. Hold tight and I will send it to all of you. I have a little more work on the map and have been busy as a one legged man at an a&& kicking contest. Should definitly get it out by this weekend. James
  22. Email fixed. Send it Squire Lunacrab and pray Sir AJ doesn't hold abject defeat against you. I must salute the political savy of HRM Meeks, by sacrificing a no one to the netherworld he has averted a potentially nasty civil war. Shrewd I say. BTW: If netscape is broken use the email in my profile you gits!!! [ February 10, 2003, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]
  23. This is not a flame so don't take it that way, it is simply an observation. Much of the comparison and complaints about CM come from a misunderstanding of the scale of the game. Individuals will react different to squads and squads will react different to platoons and so on. As a former infantryman I can tell you that CM is pretty much right on with how squads behave. The scale requires a level of abstraction that you may not see with games like CC where the scale is an individual level. Just keep in mind that the more minutia you are burdend with the lower level of command you tend to simulate. If you are busy pushing around every individual trooper you tend to think like a squad leader. If you have 100 individuals you tend to think like a BIG squad leader. With squad sized elements you tend to act on a higher level. If the units were platoons you would act even higher, etc. So in the end you have to fit the games you play to the level you want to simulate.
  24. Ah, the hours of research spent disproving the rumors of being able to float a mark piece on Guinness. (As an aside it is a nice surprise to find a cache of change at the bottom of your beer. And trust me, by the time you get to the bottom of a .5l Guinness you have forgotten what you were doing while it was full.) Here's a scenario idea. When the Russians took Berlin 11 of the 17 Breweries in the city were still operating. Is there any surprise the Germans fought so hard? Just let your mind go wild.
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