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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. The last word was that 1.02 was the last patch barring a major bug fix.
  2. Actually yes they are less effective but remember that HC or HEAT warheads were a new thing and not really well understood.
  3. Nidan, I think where you are getting confused is the size of the systems in question. The old 90mm that you used and that I also used in Berlin was man portable and was akin to a bazooka on steroids. The RRs in the game are bigger but still not as big as a comparable arty piece. These things had light mounts rather than being shoulder fired. Remember the 105 RRs that the Army used to have on jeep mounts?
  4. I thought that maybe it was something with the terrain but I have run acouple more turns and noticed that the bow machinegun is firing away and on target while the maingun seems to be continuously 50 to 100 meters short. One or two shots I can understand but I am talking about 7 to 10 rounds here.
  5. As long as it says "ver 1.02" on the main screen you should be good to go.
  6. Just envision the German part of European Vacation. P.S. Actually that would be the Austrian lad and the Transplanted American stud. [ February 25, 2003, 02:53 AM: Message edited by: sgtGOody ]
  7. I knew it. He has been kidnapped. These horrid images are his pathetic way of begging us to rescue him. Someone round up some Bangladeshi troops, I am going to drive over there and rescue the <font size=-2>King</font>. Two questions: Where the hell is he, and how do you waterproof a Passat?
  8. Oh, I'm sorry were you speaking to me. I couldn't hear you. Next time swallow that mouthful of Mozart Kugels before you issue a challenge, you are spitting marzipan all over the place. Anyway, yes I will accept your [cheesy French accent]shallange[/cheese] *slap* (hey that was fun *slap*). Now prepare your men for the beautiful death I shall bestow upon them. Maybe you can get a group rate at Grabsteinland. *slap* *slap slap* *boot*
  9. Which is why the Germans ran rampant for the first couple years of the war. Everyone else was ignoring their own armor strategists and breaking their tanks up into penny packets while the Germans grouped theirs into an iron fist. The biggest point, if you are the Germans, is to protect the flanks of the Ubercats. Even the AI seems to realize the need for flank attacks and will try to exploit an open flank. This, of course, can set the possibility for some loverly armor traps by your flank guard, muahahahahaha. [ February 25, 2003, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: sgtGOody ]
  10. Thanks for the response Steve. I have noticed this behavior quite a lot since the release of the 1.02 patch. If I was thinking I would have saved a few game files but I have several incidences of tanks firing repeatedly into the ground 50 to 100 meters short of the target.
  11. Quick comment about the link on the AT4. Good stuff although anyone who has ever fired one will get a chuckle from the "hardly any recoil" remark. The damn thing kicks like a 12 guage.
  12. I say this in every one of these threads. My biggest hope is that the folks at BTS don't limit the next game to just one area. I want an ubergame that can give the same level of excellence to every part of the ETO. I don't want to have to step down to play the Battle of Kursk or step yet further down to design a scenario for Normandy.
  13. Have to agree with Olle, I don't think I have had a German vehicle successfully drive through a minefield yet. Russians sometimes will but their lower ground pressure gave them a better survival chance in RL as well. [ February 22, 2003, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: sgtGOody ]
  14. Well I wouldn't recomend it with a bunch of Stuarts but the principle is the same. You have to use the Russian tanks the way the Russians used them themselves. Close quickly and concentrate on the sides and rear. For the big cats, nothing short of an 85 will give you assured kills.
  15. There is no rifling in the AT4 or the LAW, they are simply fiberglass tubes. Both fire rockets not shells.
  16. Take T34/85's, lots of them, and back them up with a platoon of SU85s or 100's whichever is available. Do not get suckered into a long range fight even with the really big boys because you will lose. Use the 34s speed to get on the flanks and in the rear of the big cats. Once they are distracted you can pop up with your SUs to provide ranged fire and provide a double tactical crisis for the Germans.
  17. You lame-brained weasel. Your ability to play was always the lowest level. So this must be why you send no turns, your so-called suffering (more like normal life for you) has reduced what little competency you had to less than that of Boo_Radley , or Pondscumbag, or even Gaylord. The only thing he can transmit is a de-sease no-one owns up to in public. So before you slowly slide into a death of minor proportions, prop up your body parts that are still working and press those to keys to make your doom permanent. </font>
  18. Has HRM been kidnapped by out of focus, ankle biting, heavily outlined alien yap dogs? He has been rather quiet. Me thinks strange things are afoot. [ February 21, 2003, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: sgtGOody ]
  19. Do we need to form a rescue party to save Squirette Moraine? Be sure to bring your chemical gear. [ February 21, 2003, 02:58 AM: Message edited by: sgtGOody ]
  20. Good point Michael. Alot of the pictures tend to be of the long guns because they are sexier than a stubby little pack howitzer or an IG. The same is true of the tanks. I have seen several pictures of the small gun British tanks in the dessert with their barrels in the air.
  21. Die Schlage die Woche: It shows you how buggered up a scenario is when the creator is bitching about it. If you value your sanity, if Sir A Juse offers to "let" you play one of his creations, run like there is no tomorrow. Squire leftatleningrad's tactical sense is about as developed as his writing skills. I think he is attacking the wrong map. He does get turns back at superhuman speed though. I swear he replies to my turns before I even send them. Sir Nidan's men were looking so pitiful that I sent them a smoke screen to help them out. Now switching to incendiary rockets. Muahahahahaha! Lt Hortlund is doing his best Monty Python impersenation. "Run away, run away." Little hint: The map isn't that big you lout.
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