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What not to do.


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I would like to share a little story about a big battle I desperately wanted to win....but lost.

Today I squared off with ThePhantom on the Sea Cliffs map - Poesel joined later, but I'll get to that in a bit. ThePhantom has been a real bur in my side/ego lately. I guess I consider myself pretty good at this little game of ours, based mostly on the fact that few players have been able to beat me 1 on 1 with any regularity, except perhaps Nexus6 and jby. In the last couple of weeks ThePhantom has humbled me a few times (have you been taking vid game steroids or something?), and let's just say I've been spoiling for a rematch.

I was determined to hit him with something new; I was Water so on the attack. I went with a long distance, well supported Ion battery to wear down and frazzle the enemy. I must say the plan was working beautifully and confidence was high! After a sufficient Ion scorching and some precision turret removal I began the advance. Things still going well - combined arms pushing forward - me happy!!!

Just as the first wave of my little party/advance was cresting on the objective the enemy was aided by the DT gods in the form of Poesel joining Blood right around the same time I, HORROR OF HORRORS, crashed and had to rejoin the game.

After 2 stressful minutes I was able to rejoin the battle to find my little bot buddies to still be within striking distance of the objective. Time to bear down and play for real. "Take this game, it's your's," I tell myself. After a few more minutes I have actually managed to wrestle the research station from the enemy and I am feeling pretty good again...perhaps too good.

Flushed with what looks like victory to me at the time, I decide to unleash some childish smack-talk. So as I'm typing some crap about having lots of thors left for the end, yada-yada, I can't help but notice that the enemy is massing to the north and my thors are all facing south. So, do I stop typing my smack-talk message and react to the threat....OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the time I have hit return the disaster has already begun to unfold. The next thing to go after my precious thors was my cool, and the last 2 minutes of the battle degenerated into several ill-advised charges, usually ending with Poesel or ThePhantom blasting me. Everytime I died I knew it was because I had once again cursed myself with my tongue (or fingers in this case).

Have I learned my lesson?



















Yeah, at least until next time I'm flushed with what appears like victory to me at the time.

Seriously though, good battles Phantom - maybe we should team up sometime soon and I can smack-talk us up some opponents.

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I almost forgot!! That Ion assault was great. Every time I peeked over the hill I was hit by three or four ion blasts..... It just wouldn't stop. Sure it didn't do much to my Thor.... But, it was distracting and very bothersome. I spent most of my time trying to knock them out and almost forgot about defending the objective.

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