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Volxsturm !

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Am i the only one who thinks that the volkssturm is armed far too good ? The units are armed with lots of MPs and MGs and even with the rare mp 44 !

as far as i know the main problems of the volkssturm have been ammo and weapons. Most of those poor "soldiers" carried hunting rifles !!

What do you think about it ?

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Perhaps, but I'm not too well informed on these guys. If you go up against them, however, I guarantee that no matter what FP rating they have, as greens or especially conscripts, they will run very quickly (usually...).

Will they cause casualties? Yes. But, will they be anything besides a speedbump in a daytime '45 scenario? Usually not.

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Good point. I don't think the problem is as much the armament as the ability to buy these troops as fit veterans. Given their generally light and rear area duty, extra SMGs aren't unrealistic. Try them as conscripts that start the battle exhausted and suppressed and you'll get a more realistic performance.

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Yeah, actually I played a hotseat against someone who bought an "elite" Volksturm platoon, I believe... :rolleyes:

But, for a more realistic depiction, certainly try what both Slappy suggested. For example, in April of '45 I ran into two platoons worth of these guys, but they were conscripts. They had an HMG too, but I had a rifle platoon, pioneer platoon, and a Sherman III (Canadians, all vet). I don't think my guys ever stopped moving, and neither did the VS, except they were all running like hell. I only suffered three wounded, and gained the objective. Even the VS didn't take too many casualties (all things considered...), probably since they ran so fast.

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It´s true that conscript volkssturm is no real danger...but remember that you can get conscript troops too when playing the allies (even if it´s a rare event) then you will see how well the VS is armed.

Another point is, that CM is famed for it´s realism and it´s a fact that volkssturm units where armed extremly bad...the extra MG´s where usually picked up by remaining Wehrmacht units.

The only exception of the guns carried where possibly places like berlin where they where armed like in CM....

Cheers Skolman and a happy new year !

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Originally posted by Skolman:

It´s true that conscript volkssturm is no real danger...but remember that you can get conscript troops too when playing the allies (even if it´s a rare event) then you will see how well the VS is armed.

Another point is, that CM is famed for it´s realism and it´s a fact that volkssturm units where armed extremly bad...the extra MG´s where usually picked up by remaining Wehrmacht units.

The only exception of the guns carried where possibly places like berlin where they where armed like in CM....

Cheers Skolman and a happy new year !

IIRC I read somewhere just the opposite. Himmler being in charge of Volksturm had power to direct them large amounts of automatic weapons.

With VS units low combat value this was ofcourse waste of resources.

[ December 30, 2002, 05:52 PM: Message edited by: illo ]

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Hallo to all !

At least in my hometown, the VS was armed extremely poor (in april 45)....maybe it depends on the date

When i see pictures of VS units ,all they carry are Panzerfäuste and normal rifles (sometimes even hunting rifles) except on parades in berlin and in front of great Nazi leaders where you can see plenty MG´s...

Oi and a happy new year !!!!

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