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Great War Idea

Guest bardosy

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Guest bardosy


Synopsis: WWI expansion

Design Summary:

What I loved in SC2 is the freedom from History. So I really love to play with a SC-like game in the WWI period and create alternate-history situation in the Great War.

Development of this idea is not too difficult becasue the engine and the map is almost same as in SC2. The challenge is to create units with limited attack power and maximum defend power to recreate the tranch-war feeling. Of course this idea need planes and tanks too, but not so effective as in SC2. Intead of Rockets, this idea needs huge guns and zeppelins.

Of course there is a lot of historcal event, as soviet revolution. And this event could be add a new indea (an expansion maybe) the russian civil war: whites, reds and foreign troops too. It could be a nice twist in the gameplay.

Problems: I see no particular problems that this feature would introduce to the game.

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