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Heli weapon choice

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Quick question. Do choppers always unload with missiles on armour? Cause in black sea this sounds like a bad idea in black sea since every us vehicle has aps. I was playing one of the scenarios which involved stopping an armoured push by the us. Now four choppers were available to me from the start so i started the match with heavy shelling of the expected start location of the americans(to supress any stinger teams) and immediately calling out all the four choppers. The results were dismal cause all the missiles were intercepted by the aps(lots of armour,lots of aps). The second time was much better. The choppers had already expanded their missiles and switched to strafing with atuocannons. I counted at least six bradleys and two abrams knocked out. Now sure the missiles did waste a lot of the aps charges on the vehicles but i would rather deal with fewer bradleys and abrams down at my main defensive line instead of multiple(even if they don't have their aps). I mean from a pilot's point of view it makes perfect sense to just start with the atuocannons since i can see everything has aps and the enemy doesn't seem to have any anti-air so strafing has minimum risk

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