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Everything posted by eam

  1. STRENGTH Combat essentially determines a units strength losses and the following formulas determine these losses for units involved in either attack or defence sequences. First we need to establish a combat multiplier based on a units readiness that will give us the percentage of a units attack or defence capabilities. The combat multiplier is therefore: Multiplier = readiness / 10 The combat formulas that determine a units strength losses is as follows: Attacker Losses = defender_multiplier * (defend_type_value + defender_experience / 2) - attacker_multiplier * attacker_experience / 2 Defender Losses = attacker_multiplier * (attack_type_value + attacker_experience / 2) - (defender_multiplier * (defender_experience / 2 + defender_entrenchment + defence_bonuses)) can you explain this ?
  2. can you explain what is action points and how count strengh loosses ?
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