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Everything posted by ncc1701e

  1. Thank you. In fact, I try to think as if it was real life and that I could lose it. Only two - there is a specific scout team and a two-man team from one squad. Yes it is cover in your blog. In fact, as you can read above in minute 3's report, the third squad has been splitted into two teams and I am using the bounding overwatch technique with them as described here: http://battledrill.blogspot.com/2013/08/bounding-overwatch-alternating-this.html I am experimenting the two methods.
  2. Thanks a lot @domfluff for the above links. Starting reading them. Looks like very interesting insights for my little Libya civil war project.
  3. MINUTE 4 My scout team is in position actively searching for the enemy. A second squad is arriving at the edge of the woods. Its two men scout team opening the way. I am planning to merge them next turn to create two teams. The last squad is still in reserve but I will move them a little forward to be ready for supporting the others. Here is the overall situation of my troops. Contact! The enemy has been spotted by my scout team just near the end of this turn. I expect the first shots next turn.
  4. Indeed, you are completely right. I have forgotten the road. Still learning... On my side, I have no roads at all. Hope my armored car won't face a problem. It is raining but the briefing is empty. Is there any way to check the ground conditions while the game is on going?
  5. MINUTE 3 The A team of third squad is arriving at the edge of the woods. First houses of objective one is in sight. The scout team is also in the area. Advancing carefully toward the houses. The rest of the third squad are catching up. So far, there is still no contact with the enemy. I have just send my orders to @JoMc67 for next turn. Now, this is really a DAR. Any advice for next turns, guys? Any comment on my above analysis?
  6. MINUTE 2 Applying what I have read on @Bil Hardenberger's blog (http://battledrill.blogspot.com/2015/03/rifle-platoon-leader-platoon-scouts.html), I am moving a scout team to contact with the rest of the squad behind. The overall situation at the end of the turn. The progression is slowly on going. I am taking my time not rushing toward the houses. Perhaps it will be a mistake, will see. So far, I have no sign of the enemy.
  7. MINUTE 1 And, this is it. Two squads are scrambling toward objective number one. The scout team is going in advance, leapfrogging.
  8. MY PLAN AND MY INITIAL MOVES Learning my lesson from the previous AAR, I will not split my forces. I will move to contact two squads, the LMG team and the scout team to gain the maximum intel possible on the enemy positions and moves. One squad, the panzerschreck team and the platoon HQ will remain in reserve at the beginning. I will move them as the situation develops.
  9. TERRAIN ANALYSIS (2/2) And this is where it becomes interesting. If you are looking at objective number two from objective number one, one could notice that objective number one is a little higher than number two. Also, looking at the house facades, it is important to see that approaching objective number two from objective number one, there are absolutely no windows in objective number two that can covered the route and, as such, a potential avenue of approach using the road to go from objective number one to objective number two. On the other hand, the reverse is not true. Looking at objective number one from objective number two, there are plenty of windows to watch and potentially suppress the road with direct fire. I do have my own conclusion. Objective number one has two main advantages compared to the other one plus a two-story building. This is the one I will select as my priority target. And, if the enemy is doing the same terrain analysis, I guess he will also choose objective number one. This is explaining my preference over AOA1 (Orange axis) as the preferred enemy avenue of approach.
  10. TERRAIN ANALYSIS (1/2) The two objectives are separated by this little farm along the road. Objective number one is having more houses than objective number two. It is also interesting to notice that objective number one is having the only two-story building of the whole map. Objective one's aerial view: Objective two's aerial view:
  11. All the modules will be delivered, all scenarios even those of the modules. You will just have British campaign and the three NATO campaign later. This is how I understand the following quote:
  12. ENEMY AVENUES OF APPROACH Studying carefully the map, I agree with @domfluff. Enemy will advance to contact on one of two objectives or both. I bet that the enemy will not split its forces and will choose one objective only. I have just to guess which one. AOA1 (Orange axis) The orange axis is the best approach axis in my opinion. Here is the view of AOA1 from the enemy side on the map. Two houses to hide on the left plus a wood on the right. I also think this is the best axis for another reason I will detail later in a little terrain analysis. AOA2 (Green axis) The green axis has the advantage to be masked by the ridge as well as by woods. It could be perfectly used as well. AOA3 (Red) From my point of view, the terrain is too opened in the middle to utilize it as an avenue of approach. For this reason, I do not consider it as a possible approach.
  13. Not sure but I remember having understood at a given point that with TARGET LIGHT, you could not inflict friendly casaulties. Am I mistaken?
  14. MISSION This is a meeting engagement. My mission is simple, my main goal is to hold the two objectives located in my zone. ENEMY Intel is indicating that I am facing troops from Commonwealth most probably a Reinforced Infantry Platoon followed by one armored car at turn 10. TERRAIN The two objectives are two small towns separated by a small farm in the middle. The two towns are linked together by a road. A ridge follows roughly the path of the road. This allows my setup zone and the enemy setup zone on the other side to be hidden from each other when the battle starts. TROOPS At my disposal, I have a Reinforced Infantry Platoon almost all men are "green" soldiers. I am expecting an armored car in 10 minutes. TIME I have really 20 minutes (this time) to reach both objectives plus 5 minutes extra possible.
  15. Typo, my mistake sorry... Yes, @JoMc67 kindly send me a compilation of all the mods he is using. You will see them in the screenshots of course. Yes, what are doing here !? Same to you
  16. How many times has Steve changed his mind? No drones, oh drones. No new module, oh wait. I can't believe we won't see battle packs with the potential of CMSF2.
  17. It has been discussed but I fail to find the discussion. Basically printed manual will be available only if you buy the game at full price. Buying the upgrade from CMSF1 to CMSF2, it will be download only (not DVD, no printed manual).
  18. "You can't rely on anyone these days, you have to all the things by yourself" quote from the Joker in the movie The Dark Knight.
  19. I know this is not a good moment. All the eyes are on the Syrian front now with the release of CMSF2 demo. Anyhow, here is our second game with @JoMc67. The scenario is named Meet Small Village QB-287.btt. This is again a meeting engagement with two objectives that are closed to each other. Both sides is having a Reinforced Infantry Platoon to start with. But, this time we have decided to increase the scenario's duration to 20 minutes plus 5 minutes extra possible. Also, we have changed a little bit our house rules as follow: No Pre-Planned Arty (or Area-Fire from Ground Units) on Turn 1 of a Meeting Engagement, or from Defender. Player will need to Call-In Arty normally (Attacker in Attack/Defense Games are exempt and can use Pre-Planned Arty). Players will let the Computer AI choose what Targets to shoot at (player can't choose Targets, but can still use 'Area-Fire'). Player can still use Smoke at anytime and any Location on the Map. Units can check LOF (line of Fire, and thus Area-Fire) at two locations per turn...Once before Movement (exact location of Unit at beginning of turn), and at the first Waypoint (doesn't matter how short or long the Waypoint is)...However, if you check LOF at that Waypoint, then you must keep that Waypoint w/o any alteration (can't delete or change it until next turn). Area-Fire has to be roughly within 2x Action-Spots (360 degrees) to the Enemy Unit/Icon (this includes Direct HE fire from Onboard Arty...Smoke can still be anywhere on map)...Arty called in by an HQ or FO is exampt and can be conducted anywhere on the Map. Players Can't click on Enemy Icons or Units during a Game. Vehicle Smoke Dischargers (not Smoke Shells) is controlled by the Computer AI, and not by the Player. This will be a DAR hoping to receive advices from the readers and applies them during the battle.
  20. Thanks for sharing... Also having the "too many requests" error, will wait.
  21. That was it! Putting settings to Best, I do not have anymore graphical reloads of the trees. Thanks a lot for your above settings @Lethaface
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