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Everything posted by Wiggum15

  1. Just watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJd46D90U20#t=13m07s A US team is ordered to get out of a IFV and into a building, they get out and take fire from the north. Instead of running the last few meters into the building they get pinned and stop still on the road...in perfect LOS of the enemy fire. They stay there and if the player did not order them again into the building they would most likely died there. Thats the behavior thats so annoying and is responsible for at least 50% of my casualties, instead of a ) just follow the order for 2sec more and make it into the building or b ) hit the ground and change the Quick waypoint into slow and crawl into cover ...they drop to the ground in the most stupid and deadliest spot and stay there awaiting death ! Anyway it may be no specific US problem.
  2. The manual says: The does not sound like todays US military, no matter if NG or Logistic units as these will go through extensive combat training too before being deployed. That sounds like normal US troops with no real combat experience. If you assume the units already went through days of combat in Ukraine you should rate them VETERAN in my opinion.
  3. Its not about perfect or not, its about stupid,suicidal and completely illogic. @ Zveroboy1 Sorry but thats just another way of defending a, in some aspects, broken and flawed TacAI.
  4. Huh, what innovations ? Yes, modern warfare stuff but nothing fundamental like a better TacAI, a new LOS tool or a playback function.
  5. A few impressions from Philipps scenario "Airman Down":
  6. Maybe they should drop the panic behavior as it is and replace it with something else like a delay before following new orders. Or even better a SOP system where you could tell them how to behave if they take casualties or heavy fire.
  7. Philipp, that is a really great scenario ! One of the best i have ever played in CM, i hope to see more Tiny or Small scenarios from you ! Cool firefights and sharp action, just perfect. I noticed one typo in the victory screen it said "distroy vehicles" or something. Maybe avoide it to make US troops "Green", that can produce unrealistic behavior or behavior you would not expect from a US infantry unit. Also:
  8. And here i disagree, the response is not human at all most of the time. Sometimes they decide to drive into woods or into enemy LOS although just staying on the road for a few more seconds would get them into perfect cover. Sometimes they do not reverse although they took many hits and stay in position for a whole minute. ...thats another point by the way ! The TacAI seems only to react with reverse or other "get out of here" after taking casualties, they not react to heavy enemy fire...they wait till somebody gets hit then change to panic behavior and go nuts.
  9. Thanks MOS:96B2P but as far as i know the Evade Instant Command starts with the begin of the next turn. So if you order EVADE during the Action phase the waypoint only gets set for the next Order phase were you can drag it around. This can be already to late if your troops panic after 10sec into the turn and decide to run towards the enemy. But i sure will try it again.
  10. I would say its the behavior (movements/actions) od your guys while the Status = PANIC. And that is really flawed. I mean a Humvee driving aimlessly into the woods because the MG gunner got hit ?! Although those woods are in perfect LOS of the enemy ?! Although he just needs to stay on the road and finish my movement order to get into safety in less then 5sec ?! If they cant get the panic behavior right then maybe they should reduce the times it happens. I would not expect a regular US infantry squad to panic after a 2 minute firefight with one WIA while they are surrounded by US tanks and APC's and have CAS overhead... At least not the Battlefront version of panic where the troops show extreme stupid illogic and suicidal behavior.
  11. It really could be that. I expect them to seek cover and keep their heads down, what i did not expect is how fast they panic (especially while in vehicles) Again, we are talking about professional soldiers serving in a army with the most epic firepower available ever. That would not be such a issue if the panic behavior would be halfway decent. But with a complete random panic behavior that is more then often pure suicide this is really a issue.
  12. Sorry ChrisND. Its sad that the only response you get here is: a ) your point is invalid, there is no flaw or bug b ) if there is a flaw or bug...try to make a better game or stop complaining I really would like to discuss the in my opinion flawed TacAI panic behavior, i dont want to insult anybody.
  13. ...and some would expect Battlefront to change that for their new shiny modern warfare game, but thats maybe asking to much for a 50$ game...
  14. Really ? I hope you dont complain about your new car if it has malfunctions, i mean, could you build a better car ? I already knew the forums here are full of people that will defend even the most flawed aspect of the game, even the most stupid and obliviously buggy TacAI behavior but i did not expect it at that scale, sorry.
  15. Just small arms fire, happened already a few times to me.
  16. I did not say all US troops should be battle hardened vets, but they should have way more then the Russians for example, especially in leadership positions. The issue is, currently there is no real logic behind the panic behavior, its completely random ! Some think that realistic but for me thats just a excuse for a non existing or very bad TacAI in such situations !
  17. mikeCK, you will soon notice that most people here think that panicking soldiers should go total nuts, starting to run towards enemy tanks while taking Selfies and throwing away their weapons... Or even better, maybe they should just shoot their comrades...that would be irrational too.
  18. Hi ! Is it just me or do the US troops in BS panic way to fast ? One would expect the the US soldiers would be the most battle hardened of all ingame (generally speaking) but 30sec of enemy fire from 300m away and one WIA and they Panic just like green Syrian conscripts in Shock Force did. Am i alone or did you notice that too ?
  19. No, its not. Professional Soldiers, especially battle hardened US soldiers should not act like this. I said it already in the other thread, PANIC in the military way does not mean behaving completely irrational ! What you do is just searching for excuses, the TacAI is fundamentally flawed since Shock Force ! It cant be that hard to code a AI that is able to get in the closest save spot as fast as possible, they had enough time since 2007. PANIC is a state in which the survival instinct takes over and the soldiers no longer care about orders or being combat efficient, they want to get out of harms way as fast as possible. Now please... Or could it be that the US guys ingame just panic way to quick ? Every time i had my troops going to commit suicide because they panicked it was with US forces...one should expect them to be some of the most well trained and battle hardened vets out there...
  20. Hi ! I dont know but at least the panic behavior of wheeled vehicles is really bad ! I just had a Truck on a road come under fire 30 sec in the turn. The vehicle would just need to drive backwards 10m to be save (it then would be covered by the terrain). The turn ended and the vehicle did not move (still under fire and one of the crew WIA, vehicle status SHAKEN). I ordered the vehicle to just drive backwards on the road into safety. The next turn starts, the vehicle moves one meter and then...the vehicle status changes to PANIC...the vehicle stops (canceling my order), turns 45° and drives backwards into the woods...still facing the direction where the fire came from !!! At the end of the turn the vehicle was deep in the woods, still facing enemy fire and then got KO'ed with a RPG. All that could have been avoided by driving 10m backwards like i ordered the vehicle to do ! Again, just as with infantry, as soon as the status becomes PANIC, your virtual soldiers turn into incredible stupid suicide machines. Please, this needs tweaking !
  21. Huh, i did not know i had the power to force Battlefront to release the expansion i want just by opening a topic on their forums and asking for opinions... So ok, Battlefront i want my Separatist Winter Module next weekend !!!
  22. Yeah but it will most likely be the same CMBN style summer terrain that we already have in CMBN,CMFI CMRT and now CMBS... There should be some change and a Winter module or Winter landscape in a Separatist module would be perfect.
  23. Sorry whats your problem joebloggs, did you already realize that a internet forum is about people posting their opinions and discussing them ? Anyway, i think a module does not need new units necessarily, i would be more interested in a Winter Module with 20 new scenarios then in a US Marines Module.
  24. I dare you all, dont distract Kieme from modding CMBS !
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