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Everything posted by grungar

  1. all these truths were doubled because of german staff rivalry and other problems brought on by halder and guderian. the germans had no real plan everyone agreed with ie okw and okh had two different ideas about what to do after reaching the dnepr river. the politics got maddening in august when halder had a nervous break down due to gudererians double crossing him in his meeting with hitler. check out brian fugates operation barbarossa strategy and tactics on the eastern front 1941. published in 1983 it was the first book of its kind
  2. to put that in perspective one might consider the casualties suffered in a big war of the roses battle. 30k for one side alone happened in some of those nightmares in one day of battle as i understand it.
  3. its asl for sure by the looks of it. if it is i getting it! tigers in the snow is asl but only uses one level and has a cheesy set up imho but does use the rules well. Perhaps this 3d game will fill the computer asl bill many have been looking for.
  4. april 30th my birthday and hitlers die day i believe
  5. the scenario was objective delta. the wire patch that runs up into the hill. i dont thinnk there were mines...there was no marker afterwards
  6. i had a breach team destroy itself clearing a wire entanglement. 3 blast craters were created meaning they used 3 demos? i never have seen this before in cm titles. if anyone has an affirmation or a prevention that would be nice thanks
  7. time for a huge patch to the tac ai is in order no?
  8. I dont know if this is the right forum to post this but i think i found a bug with breach kits. when i used the blast command i got a move quickly line and sure enough the team went to the wall and turned around to go around the wall to its destination. lets not confuse this with demo charges. thanks
  9. Hi gentlemen i was just going to ask whats the best way to blow up a pill box with a tank. ie do i use AP or HE ammo. i have those ruddy brit tanks that do different stuff. also is range an issue say out to 200 meters?
  10. watch the various titles on you tube. Ithekial has made some great vids.
  11. ther are games out there that are far less realistic but maybe as immersive such as campaign series. in its hayday of online play the game was teeth grinding. but got far more gripe action then cm. the game was gutted and changed to please others with only more griping about realism in a totally unreal simulation. it was made to grind teeth not please what were mostly novices in the game. cm is another world in realism and teeth grinding without the company caving to the lesser player to its detriment.
  12. maybe they are scouts and i know you meant getty
  13. that fence was a disaster for many reasons not the least of wich a mile charge would be exhausting with the fence only compounding the issue. hurdling the fence would have been most efficient but still exhausting. maybe the brave pixel troopen behave the way they do because of spacing issues in the ai?
  14. really good stuff. simple good stuff. the best stuff
  15. I don't know if it will help and may be old news but chrome is or was very insecure compared to the default browser edge. my infor is about 2 years old. maybe you have already tried it? GL
  16. oil alone is enough to convince me along with axis navy blockaded accept for its u boat gaurilla war among all the other problems germany alone faced namely the procrastinating hitler blah blah.
  17. I think the minimum size unit unit for a campaign would be battalion because anything less takes you to the tactical level imo. with battalions a gm has more realistic and less arbitrary recources to hand to a player for quick battle. maybe a company of dudes and battalion assests depending on the type of battle duke it out against similar forces. or one side gets regiment assets against a dug in platoon for a pitched battle. maybe even some dice rolling for parameters etc. sounds like fun to me if any method or scale works out with some fog of war and a goo umpire.
  18. If you want a game that simulates "bandwidth" just check out hps's tigers unleashed. for those that know about it it actually works now. to explain how play unfolds is rather daunting but my experience is the command and control from the commanders perspective in that title is very challenging from the get go. It also simulates friction in a way that makes me understand what is meant by the term. Its to bad the title is only in 2d with rather drab maps. If you want a game that simulates the commanders viewpoint it might be worth 50 dollars for some to check it out.It is also heavily documented for those who love manuels. cheers
  19. The squad leader games featured sewer movement even in its most basic form. maybe an underground set of levels in the editor could do this dimension in cm2. the troops would move into a building perhaps and be given the option to go to level -x making where the troops go show clear to who has los in a given location.
  20. is it just me or does the sun really rise in a dawn scn. it sure seems that way to me.
  21. thanks mates for the lessons anymore ideas are welcome
  22. Hi, can some veterans out there tell me when to use fast with inf other than say "dash" across a danger erea
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