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Everything posted by Jammersix

  1. I did, I opened a ticket with Battlefront. Pasting graphics into a graphics field in the scenario description results in a mirror image being displayed when the game is run-- all the text is backwards. I sent Battlefront the file along with the ticket. They simply closed the ticket. They're going to ignore it and hope it goes away by itself.
  2. Fix the graphics bug in the scenario editor.
  3. I see that the problem I reported with ticket #13974821: CMBS Scenario Editor has not been fixed, the editor still flips the graphics. Why did you mark the ticket closed, were you tired of working on it?
  4. Since Combat Mission originated on the Mac, how will the Combat Mission series be implementing the Touch Bar? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/28/im-in-love-with-the-touch-bar-im-not-sure-how-much-ill-use-it/?hpid=hp_hp-cards_hp-card-technology%3Ahomepage%2Fcard
  5. Real Men drink Irish Death. Steve: I acknowledge your warning. I'll consider the implications. What I say here isn't what matters.
  6. Apple is like the weather. It is what it is. If it changes, it is what it is. Apple sets the OS. Developers (All developers, not just gamers) deal with it, or they vanish. Like wearing a raincoat when it's raining, because turning the rain off isn't an option. Complaining about the snow is less than useless. Refusal to accept what is is a recipe for failure. The rest of the Apple developers dealt with every system change to date, or they left for Florida, sold their computers and became librarians.
  7. I think we should go with what we need, and if congress balks, we'll just send in more hookers. I'm playing with the idea of a trailer, but I'm torn between hauling more ammo or setting up a mobile barracks for each squad. I suppose it could be ammo, if we increase all units army wide to the training standards the 75th uses.
  8. Personally, I'd be somewhat concerned with using cardboard as armor, but I'm not a tanker. I'd have to bow to their expertise. "It'll work, STFU and get in."
  9. Okay, you guys tell me. Which system broke CM and shut down Mac production? I could have sworn it was 7.0, but I suppose it could have been 8.0 You are correct that I don't remember the specifics, I remember the emotions. I remember disappointment first, at the disappearance of the game for the Mac, and then anger at the attitude by the developers, and at the attempt to blame Apple. At the time, you guys stood in stark contrast to Major Holdridge's attitude and online presence. I was running my own company, and I was a customer of both you and the Major. I watched Major Holdridge, I watched you, and then I established my own policy for the web for my company. I retired when I was 49. Nothing has changed. (Well, except the obvious. I'm retired, and you're still dealing with the public, in spite of having a vastly superior product to what I had.)
  10. That's one of my points: this game could go for a hundred or more, it's that good a game. But not with you posting on the board. I heard you say (assuming it was you. I'm not convinced it's always been you, the first falling out I had with CMBO was when System 7 came out, and it sounds like that was before you were involved.) Shock Force shipped with the 81% bug. You were told about it, I know you were, because I told you about it, and I know of at least one other player who told you about it. It was never fixed, through the life of Shock Force. So when you inject arrogance into your post, and you try to talk over me to tell me that you push the game forward, you patch and improve the game in prompt response to customer's complaints, I remember system 7, I remember system 8, I remember system 9, I remember Shock Force, and my stomach turns over. Post less, patch more, make all parts of the game truly Mac like, and I"d be happy to pay a hundred or a hundred and fifty bucks a copy. I want to play Final Blitzkrieg with a friend, but he's got a moratorium going on buying your games until you fix whatever it is he wants fixed. We have the money, and the money means nothing to us. We'll pay the price you need if you deliver the product we want.
  11. If you say so. Your comment about OS 8 tells me that you, personally haven't been with the game long. But you're consistent. You either blame the user or Apple. Combat Mission ceased production of the Mac version when system 7 came out. Then they blamed Apple, exactly like you just did. Then they sold a game that wasn't compatable with system 9, because system 9 came out before Combat Mission for system 8 was ready. They blamed Apple for breaking the graphics on that one. There's HUGE difference between coding a game for the Mac and porting a Windows game to the Mac in Mac code. You business model is to run the company as a hobby, by your own words, even though the money we pay you is real. You have the best simulation on the market in your hands, without doubt, and you can't seem to handle it well enough to get rich. This game is so far beyond anything else on the market that you could go up against Blizzard's WoW and win, but you can't seem to get it done. There is an unlimited market out there, every front of every war, every force from every country, every month of every year since the invention of gunpowder. There is still the 81% bug in Shock Force, so I had to laugh at your claim that you address concerns and push the game forward. You do so. When you have the time. The idea that it's a hobby is your words. I remember them because they annoyed me at the time. You guys blame Apple, the user or anyone else except yourselves when something is wrong. You've done so since System 7 put a stop to production of your Mac product. Do the game. Do it right. Make the money, you deserve it. And for god's sake, hire a PR person to talk for you on this forum.
  12. No. That's one of the things he means by "un-Mac-like". Mac lets us choose. The example he gave, his "games" folder, is a perfect example. He likes his apps divided between games and whatever other divisions he has. Macs let him do that. There are MANY (MANY, did you catch that?) ways that the Combat Mission series (all of them) are un-Mac-like. More that we have bandwidth for, or I can remember to list. Everything from fonts and font sizes to key bindings to overriding OS notifications in full screen. So many ways that if I sat down and started a list, a week from now after concentrating on nothing else, taking careful notes, and playing for eight hours a day, I'd leave something out. The Combat Mission series are absolutely, categorically, unmistakably a Windows game ported to the Mac by a team that thought Mac users wouldn't notice.
  13. I didn't say any of that, but you're welcome. I look forward to you fixing the bug I'm having with the scenario editor.
  14. I cringe when I see the term "un-Mac-like". It means so little to them, but it means everything to us.
  15. I'm thinking we'd need some kind of interrupting gear with the mortar and the rotars.
  16. You know, I just had another thought. What if, instead of starting with an Abrams, we started with an Apache, and added the main gun and armor from an Abrams, the Bushmaster, the squad, and so on?
  17. I just realized what's missing! The vehicle must have the ability to launch and control disposable recon/laser designator drones. Now I suppose we need a separate spec sheet for the drones... The main thing that's obvious is that they have to be able to designate targets for both the main gun and the Bushmaster, and they need to cost less than ten cents apiece. That way, with appropriate ammo, the vehicle (code name OMGWTFBBQ) can fire indirectly if necessary.
  18. Not the follow up that matters. Michael still doesn't have a working version. That's the follow up that matters. I won't mention that you released a patch that broke his game.
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