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About minkowski

  • Birthday 05/06/1983


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    history, theater, ancient music
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  1. so many oustanding ennemies abilities are now explained...i was always playing veteran...ans i was often disapointed by this games. NOW my guns can really have a chance to destroy their target before to be destroyed theirselves after the first shot of the enemy tank !!! thank a lot for your enligthment !
  2. the main problem is : on lower level setting the ballistic system is not realisic...i m wrong ? I ve also noticed a too great assurancy to hit the target and abilities to spot...but we are obliged to play veteran if we want a realist technical data...the only solution is to reduce the skills of ennemies crews ! i m often angry when i saw my anti-tank gun hidden in bush spoted after only on shot on a panzer side at 400/500 meters...and destroy in one shot by a 37 mm ! it's even more frustrating with at rifles, they are often spotted by alone afv without infantry after one shot and immédialty killed
  3. im using DAP the download stop and cannot reload after 54 percent (103.25 megs)...i have tried several times...strange
  4. tanks once again to keeping this game alive !
  5. Bushes, trees and flowers are modeled, but i ve recently noted a lack of deep cover under the trees...it will be a great add to implement fern to theater of war... http://photo.agriculture.gouv.fr/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=9080&g2_serialNumber=2 thats all !
  6. mainly focused on mai 40 rarely depicted in wargames/or rts French laflly command car renault D2 renault R40 French anti tank guns FCM 36 H39 R39.... panzer 1/2 variants ...ect fallshirmjaeger....gebirgjaeger...etc
  7. i ve got it...it's in the suject!!! lol
  8. nobody knows about my primary question? you are quoting a text...but it's extract from where? not that post anyway...i dont understand... :confused:
  9. i ve often seen shell fired by guns (german too) visible and lightning on impresive archive film ...when i was talkkin about tracer, it was also concerning MG's. indeed, dust effect were quite "great".
  10. Hi, everyone. i was wondering if the stunning tracers effect of IL2 were implemented in theater of war? Moreover, are the shell are modelised (like CM)and visible as SHIII( remenber the firing with the 88 in that game and the roaring of the shell passing at high speed over ours heads? finnally are the french 25mm AT and 47mm at are present in TOW? It was relly strange to not create this weapons in the game, they were in the to&e of the frnch army. best regards...and i apologize for my poor english.
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