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Everything posted by CMFDR

  1. Good catch! That is the C15 Sniper available from the Specialist Teams selection. They do fire the Lapua though.
  2. Hey Puje, I would like to help out. Casually until the second of March, then at 100 % of my volatile spare time. Sounds good to you?
  3. A Corps Expéditionnaire Français during winter '43-'44 campaign on the Abruzzo, the graveyard of FO and officers, battling against the Fallshirmajger under heavy shelling in the mountains.
  4. Tried to convert some maps and all CTD. It takes a manual re-urbanization I guess. The tool works just fine on other cases though, I do use the exe version and Windows' Command Prompt.
  5. Have you tried sbobovyc's Mutator Artkin? It doesn't require any Hex edition, only to use a Terminal of some sort. I've used it to convert BS and SF2 maps to all WW2 titles, simply by following DesertFox's instructions :
  6. It does, while tags are great to organize things, they are not (yet?) everywhere. Thus a tool such a JSGME can be very useful to compare things and or, for example, play a campaign without having to open it up and add a tag. @WillemO is, if not a prophet in this field, a true zealot of that method.
  7. Get well man! Not too quick though
  8. Awesome! It's a relieve that a viable solution have been found to salvage all these timeless mods. Thank you all involved and thank you Bootie for all the work you are still going to put in. Would it be a good time to merge to a single archive mods that had to split to fit on CMMODS the third, such as Worghern's Blitzkrieg Environment ?
  9. Got them Mark, thank you. Bootie should have them all now though.
  10. @Oddball_E8 back in 2014, you mentioned a "patch 2 (which will include the entirety of patch 1)". Do you know if it was uploaded too?
  11. Wunderbar! Thank you Erwin for your efforts. Edit : while the files smuggled by Erwin are processed by BraveHeartBootie, here's the mod we do have : http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=8067
  12. Thank you Harry, I'll hopefully update the files with the original Readme and decals when the great Guardian Erwin will have walked over the pond to bring us the treasures of the past.
  13. I bet that all pieces of advice from the Golden horse's mouth could be compiled and be such a valuable help to all wannabe weathering artist.
  14. @Heirloom_Tomato could you please send it to me too? Would upload it so folks can grab it at CMMODS.
  15. There is. http://community.battlefront.com/profile/43498-rockinharry/?status=203&type=status
  16. Based on Bil's Floating Icon Mod, here's my take on floating icons for the SLA : What do you think?
  17. Wow, good find! Almost an easter-egg, that one is useful though.
  18. http://www.paperlessarchives.com/FreeTitles/CatalogOfEnemyOrdnanceMateriel.pdf
  19. Afaik, on the Sdkfz 251/16, it's the Flammenwerfer 41 mounted, thus the 30m-ish range. http://www.whq-forum.de/cms/87.0.html http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Homepage_english/Motor_Vehicles/Germany/Hanomag/m__SPW/Sd__Kfz__251-16/sd__kfz__251-16.html
  20. Food for thoughts ? Lone Sentry: Tactics of German SdKfz 251 Personnel Carriers Mounting Flame Throwers (Intelligence Bulletin, Nov. 1944)
  21. The only Herc *I* know with six engines is that one, doesn't flight anymore afaik and there weren't all props (was to help the rudder works at very high altitude) Nowadays there are fuel pods configured on the outermost point though.
  22. Bil mentioned that his mod "Uses US Army WW2 map symbols to help identify unit types." http://battledrill.blogspot.com/2014/01/cmbn-mods.html In his new format, for infantry, Bil use a symbol that seems to depict a whole unit , as Ian choose to too. There is a mod that sports "authentic" symbols, for the Italian though : I'm contemplating the idea of doing an icon mod, from scratch, once I'll have honed my skills in 'toshop.
  23. It seems to works in CMSF2 too, amazing! Let's get the party going!
  24. Anyone know if GaJ still have CMSF mods that were hosted on Heroku? @Mord maybe?
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