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Everything posted by weasello

  1. weasello


    Maybe a really muffled version of all sound effects, like a wet towel overtop of the speakers?
  2. I've found in many action-genre games, information isn't double checked - send a message, send a confirmation, send a confirmation receipt - it's a three message process that can triple the effective "ping" of a server. But... Maybe they can double check key un-presses only? *shrugs*
  3. Other games get around it by doing everything on the client end, thus creating what most people call "lag." That is to say, a tank appears to be in your crosshairs and suddenly jumps out of the way. By restricting vehicle movement to server-allowed only, and by using their prediction code, it essentially removes this problem altogether - except in the most unusual cases, all vehicles actually will be exactly where they appear to be. I think the only way around it is to significantly change the way the server<>client protocol works (not likely, and will introduce more problems)... If the server can't see you un-pressing the turn button, then none of the other players can either; this system is really the "most fair" method in terms of accurately depicting the battlefield. I do hope they can come up with some novel way of dealing with the shortcomings
  4. You know, I would have pre-ordered, but I don't want to get the CD in the mail I'll have to wait till the end of the month I guess!
  5. Ooo the release numbers are getting high. I can't wait to get some new maps in the retail release! purchasable online I assume?
  6. I was curious to see how Project Entropia worked and I downloaded a copy a few nights ago.. Lo and Behold, in the beginners starting area in the spaceport, there's several dropships there! Just like yours! Of course, the Viper has massive gatling cannons... So the Q is... Did you get the dropships from a generic library? Are your art teams mixed? Is it user-added content someone ripped off?
  7. A and D on the keyboard tilt the craft and the mouse aims the craft... I think if it turned any faster it'd be too hard to control, really. There's a steep learning curve but you'll get used to it! Yurch and I are decent enough now to capture flags with the things
  8. One thing I really enjoy about this game is the lack of people saying "OMFG LAG!" or "PING TOO HIGH THIS SERVER SUXXX!"... I wouldn't mind seeing a ping for testing purposes but I don't want it in the final, public product.
  9. I ran several tests during the 10+ usage time when I was online with Yurch (on Arpinium Station) and all the hops seemed consistent and normal except for the end server - so I'm assuming the server couldn't handle the load at all. The in-game ping report also went from about 100 ms to 300 ms during this period.
  10. If I read the manual right, AP ammo loses penetration quickly in dense atmosphere but starts out quite high. Which makes sense; the shell slows down. HEAT has a lower initial penetration than AP, but over range it doesn't lose it's penetration due to the HEAT-idness of it all. Using this info, I always use HEAT at range and AP close up. I'm more liberal with AP in Icefields where the atmosphere is thinner.
  11. The seizure-inducement is due to the blinding flash on the screen, not so much the hellspawn shrieking FSSSHEEW sound that I haven't gotten complaints about... yet. Thanks for the tip, Yurch! I will check out replacing the sounds. Last time I was able to replace sounds in a game, I replaced them all with my voice saying the sound. "Boom," "rat a tat a tat", etc... Not mouthing the sound effects, saying the word "boom" made for a most excellent counter strike experience... '
  12. ^ That was my best AOL impression. My wife doesn't mind me playing all these shoot-em-up games, but what drives her absolutely bonkers (and usually results in her punching me repeatedly in the arm) is the "DUN DUN" noise that is made every time you get points. Sitting at my computer desk, the sound doesn't bug me at all - but for a test, I left the game running and went to make a sandwich and watch some TV (thus contributing to my team, as I wasn't flipping my shrike over). She's right. From an outside vantage, the repetitive DUN DUN.... DUN DUN.... DUN DUN..... Has just enough bass to permeate every room in my house, and it happens at just the right interval to make me want to invest in padded wallpaper. PLEASE oh PLEASE at least make it an option to tick off... We've got a text message to alert us to the danger anyhow
  13. I'd also like to have the ability to remove that awful seizure-inducing flash
  14. Though jammers ARE extractable, I've never actually seen anybody do it... Seems like the rounds are short enough, and jammers are in grand enough supply, that people don't even consider extracting the "disposables." Whenever I place jammers, they're in excellent locations - and I wouldn't want to lose them in any case. Back on point, however, driving an EMV truck into the base is faster, safer, and you can help defend the cutter as it does it's minute long capture routine. When you're done - it's one extraction, instead of seven or eight. Less resources deployed, less chance at the enemy gaining a point advantage on you!
  15. I did the path of the jammer when I was playing alone, but now that I'm more of a team player - just drive an EMV Paladin up to the base, and have your teammates drop near you. Portable, unexpected, and not wasting jammers on a single path.
  16. The map display was kind of humorous. The vehicle seemed to randomly pop in and out of existance on random places on the map five or ten times per second.
  17. lessee... Everything turned on, and all settings cranked up (4x anti aliasing), 1280x1024... Raid: 11 fps was my lowest, but that was staring directly into 2 exploding buildings and several burning tanks with dust and fog everywhere average was 28 If I was looking away from the central town I could easily get 80fps. Considering the game is somewhat slower paced and doesn't require "twitch" reactions, the game is very playable even at 15fps. I'm happy. My specs are AMD 64 4000+, 7800 GTX OC w/256mb, 2gb RAM. I'm suprised there's not more of a difference between my rig and the one posted above. I say, introduce new graphical options so we can scale upwards A game that scales it's graphics into the future has more staying power!
  18. I've been out of commission for nearly a month with my crappy ATI X1900 Pro w/ 512mb video card... Texture corruption and geometry corruption in every OpenGL application... But I managed to fix it by trading up to an nVidia 7800GTX OC SLI. > See you guys on the battlefield! (woo, 4 updates...)
  19. Now it's showing up every time I restart the game!
  20. Ugh. looks like the video card's doing it, not your fault Quake, Oblivion, everything gets some corruption. Any idea what it might be? Can't find anything on ATI's site.
  21. I half agree with you - but I think the problem isn't the players, it's the maps we currently have. Right now we have two very confined maps, which I guess have been decided on by the dev team so that we can test netcode, hit effects, and vehicle balancing issues. It also keeps the action fast-paced, captivating, and increases buzz and sales. Nothing wrong with that, really. With small maps, every player can usually see at least one enemy on the map. You can ignore everyone else and beeline it to that badguy. There's no real *need* for command... Sure, command helps you win - but you don't absolutely NEED it. Imagine this scenario - we're playing on a map that is ten times larger than these. Suddenly nobody knows where any badguys are. People will be carting each other around in vipers (who, in turn, won't be so vulnerable to enemy fire). Scouts will go on ahead with their scout vehicles, reporting back to the commander where they spot enemy units. The commander will then mark them on the map and give deployment orders. It will be a much slower paced battle, but once the battle happens, it'll be moreso strategic warfare and intenseness.
  22. We hear all of you about this. We're very reluctant to tweak the weapons but this one is indeed looking suspicious. We might end up going along the route that Drusus is taking, by allowing the 76 more internal penetration.</font>
  23. I swapped my video card thrice, upgraded my ram, replaced my motherboard, and patched the game to the latest version - so this is hardly what I'd call a controlled expermient However, upon loading up the new patch, I went in and maxed out all the details in the config screen. I tried joining a server, but the game crashed immediately upon clicking "join game." I sent a rather unhelpful crash submission form ("I clicked join!" I think were my exact words) and reloaded the game. Thinking it was one of the graphic settings malfunctioning, I fired back up the config screen and saw this very strange thing (no screenshot): Under "SOUND ADAPTER", there's a dropdown tab. Before my hardware mess, I had "GENERIC HARDWARE" and "GENERIC SOFTWARE" as options; I selected HARDWARE previously. But imagine my suprise when the SOUND ADAPTER field had selected "STEERING SENSITIVITY." I'm thinking some kind configuration file read error or something? As soon as I changed it back to hardware, the option dissapeared from the menu (I'm POSITIVE I wasn't on drugs) and the game worked fine.
  24. I actually have a wheel setup that I was using - makes driving the Shrike pretty fun. I really enjoyed it, but: (1) The wheel is too much of a handful to properly use the mouse (2) The joystick is too sensitive for my tastes, plus my left hand wasn't designed for it I've found that setting keyboard steering sensitivity to 75% really helped. Once you "learn" how to drive it's really not all that bad. Then again, I've always had this stubbornness for mastering the keyboard controls (I fly helicopter in BF2 with keyboard, and very well at that). I'd wager that a dual-analogue stick like the consoles have would be the optimal control scheme for driving/shooting... But the rest of the interface really demands a mouse
  25. Heh, so this is how you're implementing orbital artillery is it?
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