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Everything posted by FAI

  1. You bet. And Saddam was the mastermind of 9/11 attack too.
  2. It would be in line with their other stupid ideas lately, though in an order of magnitude stupider.
  3. IIRC, that happened to (one of?) the last King Tiger captured intact. It was abandoned by its panicked crew after an Allied tank hit it with smoke rounds. A combination of green German crew and desperate Allied tankers....
  4. Didn't they suspect foul play in at least some of the fires? Whole towns sealed and declared as crime scenes, investigators looking for arsonists tracks etc.
  5. Of course, that's just saying that Israel tried using terror tactics to make the Palestinian more "pliable".
  6. Except that in most cases, it's the other way around. Satellite launching capability usually comes naturally after you can figure out how to put a warhead in space.
  7. Seems like the Russian alternative just got more attractive. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090203/wl_nm/us_pakistan_afghan
  8. Another flare up; an Israeli jeep just got IED'd, killing a soldier and seriously wounding 3 other.
  9. Pardon my ignorance, aerial supply to Afghanistan is out of the question due to the sheer size, no?
  10. IF, God forbids, there is an attack on the US that originated from an outside element, you'd do well to remember the mess the previous sorry excuse of a president left. He sure made more enemies faster that he could kill them.
  11. It's not as if they bothered, or cared for the opinions of others.
  12. Yeah, the whole madness and slaughter, above everything else, was just because they could. Because of a stupid "window of opportunity" before the inauguration a president, no less.
  13. You know, aside from the humor, that one idea is full of horrors that would give a child endless nightmares... *shudders*
  14. And nobody actually believed it was accidental either.
  15. Not just in the Arab world, you bet.
  16. "The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions." Robert Lynd.
  17. Didn't Israel tried that in Lebanon too? Bombing civilians/ wrecking civilian infrastructures hoping that somehow the populace would start ousting Hezbollah?
  18. Very reminiscent of a pre 20th century colonialism. There's always a group of the locals being shown to have "better lives" to discourage resistance. "Resistance makes your lives miserable, collaboration gives you rice/bread/whatever staple food". Exactly why people from countries with memories of brutal foreign occupation sympatize more with the Gazans.
  19. You gotta admit he's got a "unique" way of introducing himself. Good luck with this thread, and this forum...
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