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Everything posted by stoat

  1. Is that the one set in a quarry? If so very good scenario, lots of fun </font>
  2. "A Hill in Brittany" for CMAK should give you a challenge as Axis vs AI. It's still at TPG.
  3. He stalks me. What can I do? It's rather hard to get a restraining order issued against a police officer, dontcha know.
  4. I live eight miles from the confluence of the Fox and Illinois Rivers, and at this point Seanachai could kayak through the lowlying areas of several local towns and pretend he is a goateed Venetian gondola pusher as he utters dirty phrases in a combination of English and something that may or may not be a Romanace language. That is, if he doesn't already.
  5. No turns out tonight. We've picked up 5 inches of rain in the last 24 hours and have been in the middle of severe T-storms for the past 6. Call me stingy, but I don't feel like daring God to zap my collection of computing equipment. How am I able to type this, you ask? Sheer cunning and brilliance of a magnitude you will never be able to measure up to.
  6. Hey, whatever excuse you need to let you sleep at night, I guess I will gracefully accept your withdrawal. </font>
  7. There I am spanking both Boo and NG cavscout in a completely manly and CMAKy kind of way, when this "hotmail" contraption decides it's done working for a while. You're off the hook for a while, you two. You'd better thank the internet gods for the reprieve they've granted you. Mace, I deleted the oh-so-few files that pertained to our ill-fated game some time ago. If you ever find your computer under the pile of beer bottles that you refer to as a house, and then subsequently figure out the whole "electricity" thing, send me a bleedin' file. I may remember my password, even.
  8. You could download the demo again.
  9. I can empathize, John. I've been playing NG cavscout for a while now, and while I generally keep things at a draw level, or at least at a respectable level of defeat, he's steamrolled me a couple of times, while I have as yet been unable to do the same to him.
  10. He looks a bit like an old roommate of mine from college. But smarter. </font>
  11. There's a Pool member here named Bob Ewell??? Check your IN box, Sparky. </font>
  12. Umm. I better stop eating them then? </font>
  13. Speaking of Boo getting pounded in the rear, I seem to be missing a turn from a certain Pool member named for a Harper Lee character, and a developmentally challenged one at that.
  14. That farm report is awful fascinating of late.I personally could care less about beef futures, but corn prices are fluctuating something mighty, and you never know when you might catch a 20 cent break on 5000 bushels of September delivery. Soy perked up a bit in the river trade today as well. It's likely to do so in the future, considering the impulse of some farmers to move to a 2:1 corn/bean rotation to cash in on the ethanol boom. Stay away from rye and sugar beets.
  15. Then I will quietly await the announcement of the test figures.
  16. I'm saying that the game always determines the number of KIAs by a certain perecntage, though the percentage will vary either up or down a few points to keep things from always turning out the same. While I can't be absolutely certain that this is how the game operates I have seen too many battles wherein each side took a relatively equal number of casualties (within 10 men of the other side) and had an almost equal number of men KIA (always within 10, mostly within 5) to believe that anything more dynamic is at work. I do not believe that operations handle death more correctly, as the percentage of KIA is almost, and many times over, 50%. Maybe this symbolizes men returning to action after a battle or two, but it still seems a very high proportion of KIAs.
  17. KIA vs WIA is not determined until the end of the scenario. Then a certain percentage of the casualties become KIA while the rest are deemed wounded. To prove this, make a test scenario where a gun shoots at a vehicle. Run it until the vehicle blows up, the kind of explosion that no crewmemmber can escape. Then end the battle. Only a fraction of the crew will be KIA, never all of them. If this sniper thing is just a chance for you to show off how much you know about game mechanics, enjoy the ego trip. If not, you should know that your test results are influenced by the game coding as it relates to casualties.
  18. Kill percentages are always higher in operations than in scenarios. Also the kill to would ratio should be the same at all three ranges, thanks to the game mechanics.
  19. Today was the first day of local youth soccer action, which for me meant working six games of various age levels in 90 plus degree heat. After nine hours I was sunburned, tired, and filled with a loathing hatred for the parents of small children. Makes the paper route look appealing.
  20. Misplaced discussion of WWII naval combat! I enjoy this kind of thing, because so many people know so little about it, this being a land warfare forum, and a Europe and Africa based one at that. Yes they should have crushed the escort carrier force. But as you said, timely action be escort ships saved the balance of the tiny flattops. There were actually a sizable number of American aircraft present, namely the FM2 Wildcat, the version of the F4F produced for service on CVWs. Most of these were armed only with their .50 cal MGs, and as such could only strafe the Japanese ships. In the ensuing action, one CVE, one DD, and two DEs were sunk. Some of the Japanese ships took damage, but the escorts were more effective in forcing the Japanese to maneuver than they were in actually delivering blows. It was the torpedoes fired by the USS Heerman that forced Yamato to run directly away from the battle for 10 minutes. Yamato did hand out some punishment, albeit primarily with her 6 inch secondaries. But of course, by this juncture BBs were good for little more than ship to shore bombardment and as floating AA batteries for the fast carrier task groups.
  21. If you string together a complete sentence you'll have exceeded my expectations.
  22. As magical as not having a CMAK turn in my inbox? Stop spinning in circles and send me a turn.
  23. One way to see your whole OoB is to load the scenario in the scenario editor, and then view the forces in the unit editor. The long way would be to organize your units on-map. Use the + key and go through everything that you have on the map. It will start with your battalion HQ. Every Then every unit from the first Company HQ to the next company HQ is part of that company. Everything that follows a platoon HQ and precededs a second belongs to the first platoon HQ.
  24. There is no easy way to see your OoB during a battle. Your scenario breifing should provide you with accurate information about the forces you will be commanding. I'm not exactly sure if the Bat. and Co. HQs were supposed to be included in the scenario, but it could be that you set your force to 200% bonus. This would give your command a 200% increase in points, and thus many more troops. To see if this is the issue, go through the initial part of the battle again and make sure the handicap is set to "none" or 0%. It really doesn't matter which platoons are attatched to each Co. HQ. Any Co. HQ will command infantry squads or teams from any company if the platoon commanders are killed, captured, or routed. In CMBB and CMAK, Co. HQs still can command troops from any company, but platoons are labeled as "1st platoon, A Company," or "3rd platoon, D Company," etc. Hitting + will take you from a Company HQ to the 1st platoon HQ, but then it will cycle through all of that platoon's squads and teams before moving on to the 2nd platoon HQ. I hope this was helpful, and it does kind of sound like your bonus option was askew.
  25. I didn't know that the ability to read ran contrary to the high ideals of The Pool. And the outerboard takes to humor like caterpillars to a microwave.
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