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Status Replies posted by Jim1954

  1. Ok, the first time I went through it I thought is was going reasonably well until the King Tiger showed up.  I had my Shermans in defilade positions behind some of the houses and the M4105 was sitting in the middle of the road not 20 meters from the KT pointed straight at it.  This KT had approached with a squad of troops that were not dismounting. Must have been fanatic.  Turn ends.  The KT zooms right past the 105 who never fired and comes to a stop about 30m past the 105.  My E8 had a flank shot on the KT which ricocheted at 15m.  That KT spun its turret like it's barrel was a toothpick and knocked off the E8, continued to pivot until it blew the crap out of the M4105 and then picked off another Sherman that was about 80m up the road.  Then it started a flat out run for the ammo dump.  All I could do was give frantic chase with the Chaffees that the stummels didnt kill when they got all of the greyhounds.  I manage to get within 25m of the Tiger with the 1st Chaffee and hit the KY with a rear shot, partial penetration.  I just made it mad.  So the 2nd Chaffee pulls up behind the first just in time for the 88 to take out both of them with 1 lousy shot.  That leaves me in a world of hurt with no armor so I cease fire and only got a minor defeat so I restarted all over.

    Coming up on 1 hour remaining now and KT still seems impervious to bazookas, even at point blank range and anything else I have shot at it.  It does seem to me that that turret traverse is too fast for something that immense.  I will post results to this battle in the thread when it gets done.


    Even the 2nd time through its still a nail biter.

    1. Jim1954


      The town thst has the road that leads directly to the ammo dump. I must not have had names on because it wasn't labeled. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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