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Everything posted by xerxes

  1. Jeff: That's awful news about Linda. I truely hope everything turns out alright. -marc s (BOB)
  2. Your wrong Peter. Look at it this way. The north koreans are advancing towards women, food, money, high speed Internet, cold beer and hot kim chi. The south doesn't stand a chance unless they strategically pull back and wait for their decadent culture to assimilate the attacking hordes.
  3. If you want to look at the data on what types of items are being exported/imported between china and the us, here's a good link. http://www.oecd.org/document/8/0,2340,en_2825_293564_35833096_1_1_1_1,00.html If you look at the items, Chinese exports for the most part have ready substitutes. Chinese imports, if you assume the west doesn't splinter, are highly vulnerable. More and more Chinese imports are coming from east asia. Depending on how those fall out, the Chinese economy could be really hurting. It's not just the gross dollar amount of imports/exports that is relevant, it's replaceability with alternate suppliers that's critical.
  4. Of course we do, but we won't use them* because it would bankrupt the military industrial complex which relies on selling us stuff that gets used up. * I can't reveal what "them" is but I can tell you it is a biologically based technology that in many ways makes traditional "war" an anachronism.
  5. Wow, that sounds like a particularly stupid program. Notably so.
  6. umm, if you'll notice when you set casualties to x% in a QB you get x% more points to spend. So, the cost per man remains the same. i.e. you can buy the same number of defenders in a 1,000 pt QB regardless of casualty level.
  7. Sigh. The inability to fire through smoke blindly was an INTENTIONAL design decision. It wasn't a mistake or an oversight. Allowing blind firing would create a gamey mess. It would make borg spotting far more potent then it is already.
  8. Definitely post as you go (with pics naturally!). It's always very fun to read a serial AAR. Humour counts for extra points too.
  9. HQs and other units with Binocs spot significantly better. You want Binoc units with good broad LOS to pick out and ID the enemy. Better to do this with low-value HQs.
  10. Allowing "blind" shooting would make the gaminess scale main spring snap in half.
  11. The Greyhound is a nice AC with a hard hitting gun. Warning though, it's sides can be penetrated by the mg42 fairly easily. A rather bad liability.
  12. That last sentence didn't require much analysis.
  13. On the attack manpack FTs really need transport (british bren carriers are quite effective in this role). I think most would agree they're not a good purchase in a QB.
  14. Are you all testing on Extreme FOW? Makes a bit of a difference.
  15. It would be great if a designer could create a custom "player-pick" scenario. What I mean is there's a custom map, briefing, setup areas, reinforcements, etc, but all or some portion of the force can be player picked. It would be really, really nice to be able to individually exclude certain units from being picked. That way you could create a good semi-historic scenario and have some player unit picking too.
  16. "find a keyhole and area target" ... and use sneak/move with a delay to avoid burning through your entire fuel supply in a minute. And gee, sometimes (in AK a lot of times) you can't buy SMG squads.
  17. Convince your opponent to make force selection "unrestricted" and quality "unrestricted". Buy a ton of conscript big caliber FOs and bomb your opponent into submission. It does make a nice looking movie. Oh yeah, forget about flags, you'll win on kill points.
  18. Trench behind wall in reverse slope with 20m LOS to the crest. Ouch.
  19. Um, that's the way it really was. It wasn't fair then and it ain't fair now. Except now you get to start a new game and switch sides.
  20. It's intentional in the TacAI that you get this behavior. Disobeying is more likely as threats increase and your troop quality decreases. Hiding will really reduce this but it also reduces your spotting hugely.
  21. Try targeting the wire with engineer's explosives. They'll turn a chunk of the wire into a "crater" which neutralizes the wire.
  22. Heh, the slope on the armor was probably pretty well nullified by the zook shooting DOWN at the armor. CM calculates the angle (vertical and horzontal planes) between the firer and the target to find armor slope. That's why you generally want your armor/AT guns firing down at the enemy, not up. In extreme cases firing uphill at already heavily sloped armor makes the target pretty much invulnerable.
  23. Now that is one useful trick I never heard of before.
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