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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Tanks see hiding infantry wayyyyyyyyyyy too easy in this game.
  2. We need more smoke in game when a tank shell hits a building.
  3. I guess it never occured to dum-dum that they MAY just sell it outside of where they produce it.
  4. Just shoot a faust through the window..... Oh wait...... sigh.....
  5. No I wanted to know where I could purchase it. Try to keep up.
  6. Here is an example of a REALLY bad UI. WARNING...some swearing (and a funny video of a game I have never heard of).
  7. Well.....download any sound mod. Make a "Z" folder in your data folder and put the sound mod in there. Check the manual for more detail how to do it.
  8. As far as whistling goes you can mod it out easy enough.
  9. Ken this looks like that "bleed over" problem with the tiles.
  10. I have more luck using fast when trying this. Also, I suspect that spotting from tanks is a little uber and it may be looked at in the future.
  11. Your arguing with a friend if CM's graphics are bad? Might as well argue how long is a rope?
  12. I hope I'm not being too insensitive if I say that I do want to see the soldiers in the game on fire along with everything else that can burn.
  13. Does anyone know why the files get bigger and bigger the longer you play even if there are no reenforcments?
  14. To me graphics are fine the way they are. Animations could use some love, however. Still my dream game.
  15. I agree that spotting is strange and maybe a little broken (infantry vs. tank, tank vs. tank, tank vs. infantry, ect). I brought this up on the inner boards and we hope to look closer at it later on down the road. I think that buttoned tanks see infantry too easy and infantry have too hard a time seeing tanks right in front of them. I have had too many instances of tanks or troops just not seeing something right in front of them for it to be cast off as stress of combat. Once in awhile is fine but it happens too often. Tunnel vision and auditory exclusion aside, a tiger in front of you at 10 meters in the middle of the road is HARD TO MISS.
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