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Everything posted by Webwing

  1. Hi Guys, I got an email today from a forum member asking me for the individual files for this campaign. Fortunatelly I still could find them in an old HD. I´m making them available from the link below. This includes the individual files, the script for the campaign with all the parameters and also the pdf and complete campaign. I spent a lot of time making it balanced, as much as possible, and did not antecipate scenarios being played individually. Now with the individual files available though you can make whatever changes you want to them. Notice that this was made in 2007! It was the first user made campaign done for Shock Force. Since it is this old though I have no idea how it runs today. https://www.mediafire.com/?x34nwdv1yw7dfm4 Have fun. Webwing
  2. I'll look into it and get back to you. Worst-case scenario I'll attach the portraits here, with the correct names, and you can put them in your Z folder for now. Thanks for the feedback. -
  3. This will be fixed in a patch. Unfortunately it did not get in time. For now you can just put the portrait german kriegsmarine in your Z folder and that will do the trick. See attached. All other German portraits should be fine though. -- portrait kriegsmarine infantry.bmp
  4. Well. Ken can only be a Weird Dude as we already have a Normal Dude. --
  5. I'm pretty sure Steve said everything that *can* be said about it. For now that is. Please do a search as I can't remember in which thread that was. I can't confirm anything right now. Not even the title. One thing I can say is that at the moment work on it is more intense than ever. --
  6. The full picture(along with many others) will be found in the MG screenshots gallery very soon. The mystery then will be over. It´s *almost* time for the Refresh Monkey to be activated! -
  7. Guess what we've included in the new Market Garden Module, that didn't take part in the battle, because we felt was too cool to hold back for a future Pack? ---------
  8. You are sure to be happy then! And yes the 37mm Flak will be introduced to the Normandy family in the Market Garden module. -
  9. A few things I can say: - It´s plain smoke and smoke from blasts. (there is fog too but it´s mostly smoke you see in the images.) - Tiger II (H) will be introduced in this module. Tiger II (P) is not in, but was in the Commonwealth module. If you have both modules you have both vehicles. - The teaser is on Pete´s master map. There will be a few massive master maps in the disk. They depict big areas that include major bridges like Arnhem and Nijmegen. Other designers then can cut the bit that they want for their own scenario. --
  10. Road signs are flavor objects and you will be able to choose between French or Dutch ones, but not both. In the editor if you pick Holland as the location of your scenario the road signs will all be Dutch, you don't need to worry about that. -
  11. This series will be really fantastic. Enjoy the ride. Just so you guys know, Jon is also doing one of the campaigns for the Market Garden module.
  12. fugazy, Sorry to take so long to respond. I only found out about this bug today thanks to a beta tester sending this my way. Thanks for finding the bug and posting about it. I don´t have a clue how that happened. It will be fixed in Italy though and will also be in the upcoming patch for the Commonwealth module. -
  13. fugazy, Sorry to take so long to respond. I only found out about this thread today thanks to a beta tester sending this my way. Thanks for finding the bug and posting about it. I don´t have a clue how that happened. It will be fixed in Italy though and will also be in the upcoming patch for the Commonwealth module. -
  14. You will be surprised then. However you shouldn´t. Steve has already said that this would be addressed in the next patch. It will, you can rest assured. -
  15. Correct. There are three. Regarding berets and commandos. They are not in the module so the discussion is purely academic. -
  16. I always think of the commandos wearing the wool hat not a beret. -
  17. It seems berets don´t protect the soldiers heads very well so they tend not to use them in combat. You will probably be able to mod them in though. We´ll see. Yep. Nope. -
  18. The vehicle is the staghound. There will be no berets in the final release for the airborne troops, much as I love them. SS camouflage smocks, yes. 2 types of helmets for the UK troops. I think someone asked that in another thread. -
  19. They will not look ok in the final product, they will look fantastic! The artist doing the uniform textures is not only very talented but also knows everything about uniforms. Obviously that doesn´t mean you shouldn´t mod the **** out of them!
  20. Exactly. It´s all work in progress for now. Specially soldiers uniforms. ---
  21. Extremely busy. Which is pretty good news for everybody! -
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